History of education in the United States/Bibliography
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General surveys
- Button, H. Warren and Provenzo, Eugene F., Jr. History of Education and Culture in America. Prentice-Hall, 1983. 379 pp.
- Cremin, Lawrence A., American Education: the Colonial Experience, 1607-1783
- ---, American Education: the National Period, 1783-1876
- ---, American Education: the Metropolitan Experience, 1876-1980
- Cubberly, Ellwood P., Public Education in the United States
- Curti, M. E. The social ideas of American educators, with new chapter on the last twenty-five years. (1959)
- Gatto, John Taylor, Underground History of American Education: An Intimate Investigation into the Prison of Modern Schooling Oxford Village Press, 2001, 412 pp. online version
- Herbst, Juergen. The once and future school: Three hundred and fifty years of American secondary education. (1996).
- Herbst, Juergen. School Choice and School Governance: A Historical Study of the United States and Germany 2006. ISBN 1-4039-7302-4.
- Jeynes, William H. American Educational History: School, Society, and the Common Good (2007)
- Lucas, C. J. American higher education: A history. (1994). pp.; reprinted essays from History of Education Quarterly
- McClellan, B. Edward and Reese, William J., ed. The Social History of American Education. U. of Illinois Pr., 1988. 370 pp.; reprinted essays from History of Education Quarterly
- Nasaw, David; Schooled to Order: A Social History of Public Schooling in the United States (1981) online version
- Parkerson, Donald H. and Parkerson, Jo Ann. Transitions in American Education: A Social History of Teaching. Routledge, 2001. 242 pp.
- Parkerson, Donald H. and Parkerson, Jo Ann. The Emergence of the Common School in the U.S. Countryside. Edwin Mellen, 1998. 192 pp.
- Rury, John L.; Education and Social Change: Themes in the History of American Schooling.'; Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 2002. online version
- Theobald, Paul. Call School: Rural Education in the Midwest to 1918. Southern Illinois U. Pr., 1995. 246 pp.
- Tyack, David B., The One Best System: A History of American Urban Education (1974),
- Tyack, David B., & Hansot, E. Managers of virtue: Public school leadership in America, 1820–1980. (1982).
Specific periods or subjects
- Axtell, J. The school upon a hill: Education and society in colonial New England. Yale University Press. (1974).
- Fitzgerald, Frances, America Revised ISBN 039474439X. An examination of the teaching of history in U.S. schools, mainly in the 20th century.
- Parkerson, Donald H. and Parkerson, Jo Ann. The Emergence of the Common School in the U.S. Countryside. Edwin Mellen, 1998. 192 pp.
- Reese, William J. The Origins of the American High School (1995)
- Ford, Paul Leicester, The New England Primer
- Johnson, Clifton, Old-Time Schools and School-books ISBN 0-486-21031-6
- Moreau, Joseph, School Book Nation (2003). ISBN 0-472-11342-9 An examination of history education in the United States as seen in the principal secondary school texts used throughout the nation's history from its foundation until present times.
- Westerhoff, John H., McGuffey and His Readers ISBN 0-88062-006-4
Pre 1880
- Addis, Cameron. Jefferson's Vision for Education: 1760-1845. Lang, 2003. 255 pp.
- Allmendinger, Jr., David F. Paupers and Scholars: The Transformation of Student Life in Nineteenth-Century New England 1975
- Axtell, J. The school upon a hill: Education and society in colonial New England. Yale University Press. (1974).
- Bailyn, Bernard. Education in the Forming of American Society U of North Carolina Press, 1960
- Cremin, Lawrence A. American Education: The Colonial Experience, 1607–1783. (1970); American Education: The National Experience, 1783–1876. (1980)
- Graham, Patricia Albjerg. Community & Class in American Education, 1865-1918 1974
- Kaestle, Carl F. The Evolution of an Urban School System: New York City, 1750-1850. Harvard University Press, 1974
- Kaestle, Carl F. Pillars of the Republic: Common Schools and American Society, 1780-1860. 1983. 266 pp.
- Katz, Michael. The Irony of Early School Reform Harvard University Press, 1968, on Massachusetts
- McAfee, Ward F. Religion, Race, and Reconstruction: The Public School in the Politics of the 1870s. State U. of New York Press, 1998. 320 pp.
- Mattingly, Paul H. The Classless Profession: American Schoolmen in the Nineteenth Century 1975
- Messerli, Jonathan. Horace Mann: A Biography 1972
- Parkerson, Donald H. and Parkerson, Jo Ann. The Emergence of the Common School in the U.S. Countryside. Edwin Mellen, 1998. 192 pp.
- Reese, William J. The Origins of the American High School. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1995.
- Robson, David W. Educating Republicans: The College in the Era of the American Revolution, 1750-1800. Greenwood, 1985. 272 pp.
- Welter, Rush, Popular Education and Democratic Thought in America Columbia University Press, 1962
Since 1880
- Berube, Maurice R.; American School Reform: Progressive, Equity, and Excellence Movements, 1883-1993. 1994. online version
- Brint, S., & Karabel, J. The Diverted Dream: Community colleges and the promise of educational opportunity in America, 1900–1985. Oxford University Press. (1989).
- Cremin, Lawrence A. The transformation of the school: Progressivism in American education, 1876–1957. (1961).
- Cremin, Lawrence A. American Education: The Metropolitan Experience, 1876-1980 (1990); vol 3 of standard detailed scholarly history
- Dorn, Sherman. Creating the Dropout: An Institutional and Social History of School Failure. Praeger, 1996. 167 pp.
- Fenske, Neil R. A History of American Public High Schools 1890-1990: Through the Eyes of Principals. Mellen, 1997. 230 pp.
- Gatto, John Taylor. The Underground History of American Education: An Intimate Investigation into the Prison of Modern Schooling. Oxford Village Press, 2001, 412 pp. online version
- Knight, Edgar W.; Fifty Years of American Education: A Historical Review and Critical Appraisal (1952) online edition
- Krug, Edward A. The shaping of the American high school, 1880–1920. (1964); The American high school, 1920–1940. (1972). standard 2 vol scholarly history
- Peterson, Paul E. The politics of school reform, 1870–1940. (1985).
- Ravitch, Diane. Left Back: A Century of Failed School Reforms. Simon & Schuster, 2000. 555 pp.
- Ravitch, Diane and Vinovskis, Maris A., ed. Learning from the Past: What History Teaches Us about School Reform. Johns Hopkins U. Pr., 1995. 381 pp.
- Theobald, Paul. Call School: Rural Education in the Midwest to 1918. Southern Illinois U. Pr., 1995. 246 pp.
- Tyack, David B. The One Best System: A History of American Urban Education (1974),
- Tyack, David and Cuban, Larry. Tinkering toward Utopia: A Century of Public School Reform. Harvard U. Pr., 1995. 184 pp.
- Tyack, David B., & Hansot, E. Managers of virtue: Public school leadership in America, 1820–1980. (1982).
- Tyack, David; Lowe, Robert; Hansot, Elisabeth. Public Schools in Hard Times: The Great Depression and Recent Years. Harvard U. Press, 1984. 267 pp.
- Zilversmit, Arthur. Changing Schools: Progressive Education Theory and Practice, 1930-1960. U. of Chicago Press, 1993. 251 pp.
Ethnicity, race, gender, religion
- Adams, J.Q. and Pearlie Strother-Adams. Dealing with Diversity (2001)
- Allen, Walter R. and Joseph O. Jewell; "African American Education since 'An American Dilemma'" Daedalus, Vol. 124, 1995 online version
- Anderson, James D. The Education of Blacks in the South, 1860-1935 (University of North Carolina Press, 1988). online edition
- Eisenmann, Linda ed. Historical Dictionary of Women's Education in the United States. (1998)
- MacDonald, Victoria-Maria. Latino Education in the United States: A Narrated History from 1513-2000 (2004)
- Nash, Margaret A. Women's Education in the United States, 1780-1840 (2005)
- Sanders, James W The education of an urban minority: Catholics in Chicago, 1833–1965. (1977).
- Solomon, Barbara M. In the company of educated women: A history of women and higher education in America. (1985).
- Walch, Timothy. Parish School: American Catholic Parochial Education from Colonial Times to the Present. 1996.
Higher Education
- Brint, S., & Karabel, J. The Diverted Dream: Community colleges and the promise of educational opportunity in America, 1900–1985. Oxford University Press. (1989).
- Cohen, Arthur M. The Shaping of American Higher Education: Emergence and Growth of the Contemporary System (2007) excerpt and text search
- Geiger, Roger L., ed. The American College in the Nineteenth Century. Vanderbilt University Press. (2000). excerpt and text search
- Geiger, Roger L. To Advance Knowledge: The Growth of American Research Universities, 1900-1940. Oxford University Press. (1986). online edition
- Geiger, Roger L. Research and Relevant Knowledge: American Research Universities Since World War II. Oxford University Press. (2001).
- Horowitz, Helen L. Campus life: Undergraduate cultures from the end of the eighteenth century to the present. (1987). excerpt and text search
- Levine, D. O. The American college and the culture of aspiration, 1915–1940. (1986).
- Lucas, C. J. American higher education: A history. (1994). excerpt and text search
- Thelin, John R. A History of American Higher Education (2004) excerpt and text search
- Veysey, Lawrence R. The emergence of the American university. (1965). excerpt and text search
Primary sources
- Hofstadter, Richard, and Wilson Smith, eds. American Higher Education a Documentary History Vol. I & II (1961)
- Smith, Wilson, and Thomas Bender, eds. American Higher Education Transformed, 1940--2005: Documenting the National Discourse (2007)
Regional and Local Studies
- Cordier, Mary Hurlbut, Schoolwomen of the Prairies and Plains ISBN 0-8263-1774-X
- Edgar W. Knight; Education in the South (1924) online edition
- Lazerson, Marvin; Origins of the Urban School: Public Education in Massachusetts, 1870-1915 Harvard University Press, 1971 online version
- Leloudis, J. L. Schooling the New South: Pedagogy, self, and society in North Carolina, 1880–1920. (1996). online version
- Troen, Selwyn K.; The Public and the Schools: Shaping the St. Louis System, 1838-1920 (1975) online version
Primary Sources
- Richard Hofstadter and C. Dewitt Hardy, eds; The Development and Scope of Higher Education in the United States (1952) online edition
- Knight, Edgar W. and Clifton L. Hall, eds.; Readings in American Educational History (1951) online edition
- John E. Chubb and Terry M. Moe. Politics, Markets and America's Schools (1990)
- Kosar, Kevin R. Failing Grades: The Federal Politics of Education Standards. Rienner, 2005. 259 pp.
- E. Wayne Ross et al eds. Defending Public Schools. (Praeger, 2004), 4 vol: Volume: 1: Education Under the Security State (2004) online version; Volume: 2: Teaching for a Democratic Society (2004) online version; Volume: 3: Curriculum Continuity and Change in the 21st Century (2004) online version; Volume: 4: The Nature and Limits of Standards-Based Reform and Assessment (2004) online version
- Tyack, David. Seeking Common Ground: Public Schools in a Diverse Society. Harvard U. Pr., 2003. 237 pp.