Burns supper

A Burns supper is a ceremonial event to celebrate the birth of Robert Burns on the evening of January 25th, known as Burns Night. During the supper Burns' poems and songs are performed, and the haggis is addressed with a recital of Burns' poem, Address to a Haggis. A typical meal for Burns Night would include Cock-a-Leekie, Haggis with Tatties-an'-Neeps, Cranachan and whisky.
Piping in the guests
A piper or other traditional music welcome the guests.
A short welcome to the guests.
The Selkirk Grace
The Selkirk Grace is recited to usher in the food. Often attributed to Robert Burns, the Selkirk Grace is a traditional blessing in use long before his time. As well as being an original poet, Burns was also a notable "collector" of traditional Scottish songs and verse). While touring Galloway in 1794 with his friend John Syme, Burns stayed with the Earl of Selkirk at St Mary's Isle in Kirkcudbright. There, one evening he recited a modified version of the Galloway Grace (also known as the Covenanter's Grace) a traditional Scottish grace. In its best known form, the Galloway Grace reads
Some hae meat and canna eat,
- and some wad eat that want it,
- but we hae meat and we can eat,
- and sae the Lord be thankit.
Burns' version as he gave it at Selkirk was
Some have meat and cannot eat,
:Some cannot eat that want it;
- But we have meat and we can eat,
:So let the Lord be thankit
Piping in the haggis
The haggis enters the room accompanied by a piper, the cook and the person who will address the haggis.
Address to the haggis
The reader of "To a Haggis" also holds a knife which is used to cut open the haggis dramatically with the line "His knife see Rustic-labour dight". In the process the reader ensures that the contents spill out and is synchronized with the reading of "trenching its gushing entrails". Finally the haggis is raised for the appreciation of the audience with the reading of the final line "Gie her a Haggis!".
Toast to the haggis
The guests toast the haggis shouting "The Haggis!"
The meal
Usually starts with Cock-a-Leekie soup (leek and chicken stock). The main course consists of the haggis along with neeps (turnip/rutabaga/swede) and tatties (potatoes). The dessert is often cranachan (whipped cream, whisky, honey, and toasted oatmeal).
The first entertainment
A performance of a Burns song or a recital of a Burns poem
The Immortal Memory
The Immortal Memory is a speech to commemorate the achievements of Robert Burns. Themes include his literary genius and his nationalism. It concludes with a toast: "To the Immortal Memory of Robert Burns!"
The second entertainment
A performance of one of Burns’s songs or poems.
The toast to the lassies
This is usually a humorous toast to praise women, often using quotations from Burns's works. It concludes with a toast: "To the Lassies!".
The third entertainment
A performance of one of Burns’s songs or poems.
The reply to the toast to the lassies
This reply to the men's toast is usually a witty response also citing from Burns's works. Often viewed as a competitive chance for the women to upstage the men with a more clever or humourous toast.
Final entertainment
A performance of one of Burns’s songs or poems.
Vote of thanks
This brings the supper to an end followed by a rendition of Auld Lang Syne by all the guests.