Bass guitar

A bass guitar is used to fill in the bottom end of music in many bands, and fills in the role that had tradionally been played by the Double Bass (often called a standup bass) in orchestras and bluegrass music. In most music, the beat of the bass guitar, together with the drums, is what an audience taps their feet to. The bass guitar often emphasises the first and third note of each measure, while the drums emphasise beats two and four. In the traditional tuning used by most musicians for the 4-string bass guitar, the four strings are tuned just like the bottom (lowest notes, highest vertically) strings of a tradional six-string guitar. The popularity of bass guitars first became popular with the introduction of the Fender P-bass. Although bass guitars first started out as fretted electric models, recent decades have seen the acoustic bass guitar and the fretless bass guitar gain in popularity.
Traditionally, the 4-string bass guitar is tuned, from lowest to highest (pitch), in E, A, D and G. Five-string bass guitars have an additional higher (pitched) string tuned to B, analogous to the fifth string of a tradional guitar.
Bass lines/Beat patterns
The simplest patterns played on a bass guitar occur in country music, with the traditional quarter note pattern with emphasis on the first and third notes, usually the root of the chord, and less emphasis on beats two and four, usually the fifth note or an octive of the root chord, both of which are played at a lower note. In music notation, this would be:
| I - V - I -V | or | VIII - I - VIII - I |
In many blues tunes and rock-and-roll music, the bass line for each chord will include the first, third and fifth notes of the chord, played like so for a single measure:
| I - III - V - III | Beat pattern for many blues and rock songs -1 measure
For songs in which the chord remains the same for two measures, this pattern is often turned into a longer beat pattern which walks up and back down like this:
| I - III - V - VI - VIII - VI - V - III |, which in the key of G for example would be:
| G - B - D - E - G - E - D - B |