User:Daniel Mietchen/Talks/COASP 2010/Guided tour
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This is an archival copy of which was used during the session.
<center>[ Back to COASP Talk]</center> {{TOC|right}} == Introduction == *Supplementary materials receive second-class treatment in most journals, since they are too focused on the printed paper or its digital counterpart, PDF :Notable exceptions: [ Journal of Visualized Experiments] is a pure video journal, and a few journals (especially in chemistry) have experimented with 3D features, both online and in PDF *[ J Neuroscience phases out Supplemental materials] — Wikis can handle all kinds of them, and there are multiple ways of interacting with databases (e.g. [ Gene Wiki Portal]) *Examples for embedding different kinds of media in a wiki environment are compiled below; more comprehensive list at [ Widget lists]; and there are actually often several ways to achieve the same without widgets (see vimeo example) == [[Widget:SlideShare]] == ''See [[COASP_2010_—_Session_on_Editorial_Innovation_in_OA_Publishing|Session page]].'' == [[Widget:Vimeo]] == For some kinds of media, several possibilities exist to display them (shown here with their default settings): {| class="wikitable" |- ! [ Extension:Widget] ! [ Extension:EmbedVideo] |- | {{#widget:Vimeo|id=14334061}} | {{#ev:vimeo|14334061}} |} == [[Widget:AcaWiki]] == ''Commented out for the time being. If you want to test it, please use preview mode.'' <!-- {{#widget:AcaWiki |id=Participatory mashups: Using users to make data mashable }} --> == [[Widget:OpenWetWare]] == {{#widget:OpenWetWare |id=User:Carl Boettiger/Notebook/Comparative Phylogenetics }} == [[Widget:Wikipedia]] == {{#widget:Wikipedia |id=Portal:Gene_Wiki }} == [[Widget:Citizendium]] == {{#widget:Citizendium |id=Cryptography }} == [[Widget:Scholarpedia]] == ''Commented out for the time being, since the iframes are being stripped.'' <!-- {{#widget:Scholarpedia |id=Brain }} --> == [[Widget:EoEarth]] == {{#widget:EoEarth |id=Deepwater Horizon oil spill }} == [[Widget:Twitter_Search]] == {| class="wikitable" |- ! Open Access ! Peer review <!-- commenting out to save Twitter API calls ! Science --> ! Magnetic Resonance |- |{{#widget:Twitter Search |query="open access" OR #OA |title=Open Access |caption=what people say about open access }} |{{#widget:Twitter Search |query="peer review" |title=Peer review |caption=what people say about peer review }} <!-- |{{#widget:Twitter Search |query=science OR scientific |title=Science |caption=what people say about science }} --> |{{#widget:Twitter Search |query=Magnetic Resonance |title=Magnetic Resonance |caption=what people say about Magnetic Resonance }} |} == [[Widget:Google_Spreadsheet]] == ''Commented out for the time being. If you want to test it, please use preview mode.'' <!-- {{#widget:Google Spreadsheet |key=po-s58YMwf85Q3UxRzdGOBw |width=500 |height=300 }} --> == [[Widget:Iframe]] == ''Commented out for the time being. If you want to test it, please use preview mode. See also [[CZ:Widget_tests/Iframe|Error description page]].'' <!-- Note: also not used at --> <!-- {{#widget:Iframe |url= |width=410 |height=342 |border=0 }} --> == [[Widget:Feed]] == ''Commented out for the time being. If you want to test it, please use preview mode.'' <!-- {{#widget:Feed |feedurl= |chan=y |num=5 |desc=140 |date=n |targ=n }} --> == [[]] == ''Commented out for the time being. If you want to test it, please use preview mode.'' <!-- {{ |id=geUe8YoSAg |width=600 |height=383 }} [ Watch at] --> == [[Widget:WikiEducator]] == ''Commented out for the time being. If you want to test it, please use preview mode.'' <!-- {{#widget:WikiEducator |id=Quality control in open versus closed approaches to authoring educational resources }}--> == [[Widget:Twitter]] == ''A collection of [[Twitter]] streams related to [[Open Access publishing]].'' ''Commented out for the time being. If you want to test it, please use preview mode.'' <!-- {| class="wikitable" |- ! [[Open Access Tracking Project]] ! [[BioMedCentral]] ! [[PLoS]] ! [[Springer Open]] |- |{{#widget:Twitter |user=OATP |count=5 }} |{{#widget:Twitter |user=BioMedCentral |count=5 }} |{{#widget:Twitter |user=PLoS |count=5 }} |{{#widget:Twitter |user=SpringerOpen |count=5 }} |} --> == [[Widget:Twitter_List]] == ''Commented out for the time being. If you want to test it, please use preview mode.'' <!-- {| class="wikitable" |- ! Open knowledge ! Science communication ! Wikis ! Education |- |{{#widget:Twitter List |user=EvoMRI |list=open-x |title= |subject= |width=300 |height=500 }} |{{#widget:Twitter List |user=EvoMRI |list=science-communication |title= |subject= |width=300 |height=500 }} |{{#widget:Twitter List |user=EvoMRI |list=wikis |title= |subject= |width=300 |height=500 }} |{{#widget:Twitter List |user=EvoMRI |list=Education |title= |subject= |width=300 |height=500 }} |} --> <center>[ Back to COASP Talk]</center>