Silent and invisible letters in English
Silent letters constitute a notorious phenomenon in English: in wréstle, for example, only four out of the seven letters are actually sounded (*résl), and there can be strings of them in place names, exemplified by the trio Léicester, Glóucester and Worcester, pronounced Léster, *Glóster and *Wùster. (The accents show stress and pronunciation, see English spellings; * is placed before an incorrect spelling.)
Silent letters can be misleading, as in Thaîland and îsland, which rhyme, or they can be easy to ignore ("redundant"), as in wróng, yeôman, and lôw.
They can serve to distinguish between words that sound the same:
knôw knowledge = nô negative
knót tie = nót negative
wráp parcel = ráp knock, talk
wrîte read = rîght correct = rîte ritual
chéck verify = BrE chéque money
Some typical examples
- b finally after m or before final t (-mb -bt)
- g or k initially before n (gn-, kn-)
- gh finally or before final t (-gh -ght)
- l after à and before final f or m (-lf -lm)
- n finally after m (-mn).
Alphabetical list
Only J, Q and V are sounded in every word in which they occur.
Silent A is found in: hëard, lëarn, Múrray = Mòray; all examples from Latin of aê: nébulaê, fŏrmulaê, and in the standard British English pronunciation of words ending in -ary: sécondary, díctionary
B: thúmb, dúmb, númb, clîmb, límb, débt, dòubt, súbtle
C: indîct, Tûcsón, Connécticut, blancmànge (*bləmónzh); sometimes there is a redundant soft c after s before a front vowel: scêne, scîence, effervésce
CH: yàcht (*yót)
D before a soft g: dódge, édgy, lódging, bádger, brídge, wédge; for most speakers in Wédnesday; and before a French j in Djiboûti, Abidjàn
E: very commonly as final mute e, as in lâte, kîte, hôpe, Jûne; in the regular past tense ending, as in loòked, lëarned[1]; exemplifying both of these tendencies, as in hoped, wâned; in heàrt, heàrth; redundant in yeôman; and síngeing (*sínjing, from sínge, to distinguish it from sínging, from síng) F: hâlfpenny
G: sîgn, desîgn, dèign, rèign monarch (= rain weather), campâign, fóreign, phlégm, gnásh, gnåw, gnôme, gnát, gnàrled, Colôgne
GH: sîgh, rîght, fíght, fríght, night, fŏught, ŏught, cåught, èight, wèight
H: hônour, hónest, héir, hòur, vêhicle, Jóhn, Thaîland, ghôst, ghàstly, and in the BrE name-suffix -ham: Béckenham, Chéltenham, Twíckenham
I: sûit, recrûit, frûit, jûice, sluîce, brûise, crûise, pláit, friénd, pàrliament, cárriage, márriage
K, initially, before n: knôw, knêe, knîght, knít, knâve, knóll, knót, knîfe, knêad massage; after c, as in báck
L: càlm, bàlm, psàlm, càlf, càlve, hàlf, hàlve, fôlk, tålk, wålk, sálmon, Líncoln, hâlfpenny
M: mnemónic
N: cólumn, condémn, hýmn, åutumn, dámn, sólemn
NC: blancmange (*bləmónzh)
O: pêople, léopard, jéopardy, Géoffrey (= Jéffrey) and all BrE examples from Latin of oê: phoênix, oênólogy, foêtus (where AmE omits the o)
P: recêipt, pneumátic, pneumônia, psàlm, pseûd, ptàrmigan, pterodáctyl
R: all BrE only; a small selection: îron, àrm, àrt, céntre, mürder, pãir, mŏre, dŏor, desîre, squãre, hîre, përson, Thürsday
RPS: cŏrps (r sounded in AmE)
S: chássis, prècis, Àrkansås, Íllinois, îsland, îsle = aîsle, rendezvous (*róndâyvoô)
T: lísten, whístle, wréstle, càstle, mústn’t, bùffèt, óften, mŏrtgage, bìdèt, Màrgot, wåltz (*wålce), bôatswain, (can be written bôsun), Tchaikóvsky, tsunàmi, and before ch in words such as ítch, cátch
U: bìscuit, cïrcuit, buíld, buŏyant, guíld, guílt, guîde, guàrd, guéss, guést, āunt
UE: tòngue, burlésque, grotésque, vâgue, rôgue, barôque, unìque, plâgue; BrE only: cátalógue, dîalógue (-lóg in AmE)
W: two 2 (= to preposition = toô many, also), who (*hû), whôle entire (= hôle space), swŏrd, ànswer, wrîte paper, wróng, wréstle, awrŷ, åwful, bôatswain (can be written bôsun), and before a consonant in the next word: knòw, nòw, yew tree (= yoû me)
X: faux-pàs (*fô-pà) and French plurals of -au words: cháteaux (*shátô), tábleaux (táblô)
Y: Pêpys (= pêeps), Sándys (= Sánds = sánds)
Z: lâissèz-fãire, rendezvous (*róndâyvoô)
- ↑ though there is an adjective with the e pronounced, lëarned *lërníd