English spellings

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English is famous, even notorious, for its varied spellings. This is a selection of commonly misspelt and/or mispronounced words, alongside regular ones for contrast. For example, *disāsterous is a common misspelling of disāstrous, with the e echoing that of disāster (the asterisk indicates an incorrect spelling, the accents stress and pronunciation: see English phonemes; where there is more than one accent, the first is stressed).

Particular attention is given to homophones, words with the same pronunciation. English is rich in homophones; it also has many homonyms, words with the same spelling and pronunciation, and homographs, words with the same spelling but different pronunciation. All three can be found here. In this alphabetical list, the most common word is placed first in the entry.

Also of special note are words that many writers incorrectly divide. ôver and dûe, for example, combine to form overdûe, without a space in the middle. Such examples are included with ‘one word’ alongside them: alongsîde one word.

The equals sign = is placed between homophones (in some cases the approximately equals sign ≈ is more appropriate). Homographs and other similar words are included after 'cf.' (from Latin conferre, 'compare').

An asterisk is placed before incorrect respellings, thus: *thuss. Words in italics are used to suggest meanings, in the case of similar words. The word person (or persons after more than one) implies either a personal or family name. Such words are included because they often contrast with the spellings of homophones, for example a bank clerk might be named Clàrk or Clàrke, but most probably not 'Clerk' (which is pronounced identically in BrE). It may, of course, also be a commercial or place name, as this is a matter regarding individuals: the fact that one is more likely to meet a person, most probably male, called Maurice Mórris than one called Mórris Maurice, both words and hence both names being pronounced the same in BrE (Maurìce in AmE), is about as relevant as the fact that one is unlikely to meet a person called either.

Alphabetical list


 letter = èh? what? (names of letters are usually written as capitals in text)

a article *ə: schwa. It can be a strong form â, like the name of the letter Â, but this can sound pompous, especially in private; it can however be used for emphasis, as a synonym for ône, as for example of a tennis player trailing 4-6 2-0: At lêast hê lêads ín â sét.

àaah sentiment ≈ àaargh disgust more a´s may be added, ≈ àh response


Ãaron - also Ãron or Áron and now some say Áaron = Árran Isle

àh response ≈ àaah sentiment ≈ àaargh disgust (in the latter cases more a´s may be added)

abándoned - not -nned










âble capable = Âbel person

abòut *əbòut


ábsèil cf. sâil





abýsmal -zməl





accélerate ax-, cf. excél, éxcellent

áccent áx-

accéntuate -x-

accépt receive cf. excépt exception

áccess *áxéss, cf. áxis, áxês

áccident áx-

accidéntally áx-


accómmodate - two c’s and two m’s


accòmplíce person

accòmplísh achieve


accrûe cf. acróss


âche *âke



acquiésce *aquìéss, cf. quiéscent *kwìéssent, quîet *kwîət

acquîre *aquîre


âcreage *âkerage

acróss cf. accrûe

áctual *ákchəl

ácûmen cf. áccurate



adàgio -jô

ádd more = ád advertisement

Áddis Ábaba



addréss BrE = a dréss; AmE áddress

adhêre (d and h pronounced separately)

adhêsive (d and h pronounced separately)

ád hóc

ádjective cf. ejécted


adjúst *ajúst

ád nåusêám


adrénalín can be -íne




ádversary -vəsrỳ or advërsary


ádvertise never -îze

advërtísement BrE; AmE ádvertîsement

advîce noun -ss

advîse verb pronounced but never spelt -îze

advîser = advîsor (alternatives)

Aêgêan *Êjêən

ãerial air = Ãriel person

ãerie bird = ãiry light and = variant spellings of bird: ãerie = éyrie = éyry

ãeroplane BrE; AmE ãirplane

Aêschylus BrE; AmE Êschylus *Êeskiləss

aêsthétics AmE ê-

afféct alter cf. efféct result í-

áffect emotion

afféctive emotional cf. efféctive resultant


affrònt cf. effròntery

Afghánistān - either stressed




Afrikàans -ànce




again é, but AmE and some BrE, regular: agâin

against é, but AmE and some BrE, regular: agâinst

agâpe gaping

ágapê eros

âge cf. édge: Francophones beware

âgeing *âging, *âjing




âid help = âide assistant; Âids or ÂIDS disease = âids, âides plurals

Âids or ÂIDS disease = âids, âides plurals ãir breathe = Ãyr Scotland = ére before = é’er ever = héir estate

ãiry light = all four spellings of éyrie = éyry = ãerie = ãery bird, cf. êerie strange

alîgn = a lîne, cf. állŷ friend, állêy way

aîsle church = îsle island

Ajáccio *Azháxio

Àjax Amsterdam *Àyáx

Âjax person

Ál person cf. åll total

Alabáma - one m, cf. Montána, Louisiána

Álan = Àllen = Àllan


Ålbany cf. Álbânia


Albuquërquê *Albəkïrky



álgaê *áljê or *álgy

álgorithm rhymes with rhýthm

Áli person = álley walk - except Muhámmad Àlì boxer

âlias *âlius


alîgn = a lîne, cf. állŷ

Álistair = Álastair





alîgned *allîned, cf. állied


åll every = åwl tool, cf. Ál person


allegâtions *allogations

allége cf. lédge, etc.

alléged *aléjd

allégedly *aléjidly

allelûia or allelûja or allelûya

állêy path = Áli person, cf. állŷ


allót assign = a lót much

åll-òut total before noun needs hyphen

allòwed permitted = alòud heard


állŷ friend cf. állêy, alîgn

állŷ noun

allŷ verb, cf. Álì person



àlms gift = BrE àrms body, weapons

alóngside one word

alòud audible = allòwed allow

alréady before = åll réady ready

alrîght = åll rîght - same meaning, probably by analogy with alréady



ålter change = åltar church

altërnate adjective

ålternâte verb


althôugh *åldhô

alumínium BrE; AmE alûminum



ám be

âm ante meridian *â-ém

ámateur *ámətə; AmE can be amateûr

ambássador cf. émbassy

ámbergrìs BrE; AmE ámbergrís - s pronounced

ambítious *ámbíshəss

amén BrE à, AmE â

aménd cf. comménd

aménds make = eménds alters

âmìable cf. âim




an *ən: version of a before a consonant

anáchronism -nákr-


análysês plural *ənáləssêez

análysis singular *ənáləssís


ánarchy *ánəkỳ


ánchor -nk-

ánchovy -ntsh-


and *ənd, sometimes ánd for emphasis = &




Andórra AmE -ŏrr-, cf. Pandŏra


anémonê cf. an énemy

ângel *ânjəl, cf. ángle

ánger BrE *áng-gə

ángry *áng-gry


ánimus cf. ûnánimous


ánnals cf. ánalyst

annéx verb

ánnex or ánnexe noun

annîhilate *annîyílâte



anónymous anòther one word

ānswer - w silent: BrE *ànsə, AmE *ánsr

Antàrctica first c can be silent

ántê- before = ántì-

Ánthony (usual) = Ántony Mark, -tə-

ántì- against = ántê-; AmE ántî-


Antìgua -gə

antirrhînum *antirŷnum


anxîety *angzîety

ánxious *ánkshəss

any thing é-, cf. Ánnie person

anybody *énnybódy, one word

any mŏre two words

anyone *énnywún, one word

anyway despite one word, cf. where wây is a noun: any wây yoû loòk at ít

apâce fast = a pâce step

apàrtheîd -tîte

apéritìf - either stressed

aphêlion *áfêlian

apìêce each one word = a pìêce part


apólogîse verb

apólogíes plural noun



appål - AmE can be appåll



ápparâtus BrE - either stressed (to children apparatus can sound plural, ‘apperators’); AmE apparátus







approval -prû-

approve -prû-


à priŏrî two words

àpriŏrísm one word

apropôs *ápropô


Árab adjective, person

Arâbian adjective

Árabic language

àrc circle = Àrk Noah

archâíc *àrkâyíc

archeólogy àrk-

archipélago àrk-

àrchive *àrkîve

ãrêa space *ãrêə, cf. ària, êra

Argentìna Àrj-

àrgil clay - soft g

Argŷll Scotland = Argŷle Plymouth - hard g



ària opera cf. ãrea


Ãries -ríz

árístocrat BrE á stressed, AmE í stressed


Àrkansas BrE -såw, AmE -sà



àrsenal *àrssnəl



artêsian well *àrtêzhən

artifícial -shəl

artisán art *àrtizán

àrtist art

artìste stage

ascént climb = assént agree


ÁSEAN or Ásean association *ássián, cf. Âsian Asia, *Âzhan

Âsia *Âsha or *Âzha


as oppôsed to ázəpôzt- ásphalt

áspirin -spr-, cf. aspîring

assássin four s’s

assént agree = ascént climb


assûme -syûme

assûre AmE -shûre, BrE –shůre



ásthma *ássma



âte AmE; BrE *ét

âthêíst cf. aesthétic

atrôcious -shəss


áttaboy one word

attáchè -áshè



auctionêer åuk-

augúst revered

Åugust month

āunt uncle AmE = ánt insect

au fâit *ô-fây

au fónd *ô-fón, French nasal -ón

au pãir ôp-

åural ear = ŏral voice


Aussie Australasian = Óssy = Óssie persons

Austen Jane = Austin car, Texas Ó-

Austrâlia Ó-

Austria Ó-

åutarchy sovereignty = åutarky self-sufficiency





åutumn silent n, -m

autúmnal not silent n


ávant gàrde (gàrde = guàrd)


avoirdupŏis *ávədə-pŏiz


awêigh anchors = awây go


åwkward *åwquəd

åwl tool = åll total



áxe chop BrE; AmE áx

áxes plural -íz

áxis spin -íss

áxês plural -êz, cf. áccess

áxle car = Áxel person


aŷe yes = eŷe see = Î me

Ãyr Scotland = ãir breathe


ázure -zh-


B = bê is, bêe insect

bàa sheep BrE = bàr drink, chocolate, soap


Bàch music = bách Welsh

báchelor unmarried = Bátchelor person

báckbiting one word

báckhand tennis

back-hánded ambiguous

bácklash one word

backyàrd one word

bád evil = báde asked

Baghdád AmE Bághdad Bágd-

bâil law, cricket = bâle hay, parachute

bâilie magistrate = Bâiley person

bâit hook = bâte fury, restrain

bâize cloth = bâys bay

Bàli island = BrE bàrley beer

Bålkans cf. bálcony

båll game = båwl shout

ballerìna cf. pizzerìa

bállèt *bállây, cf. bállot

bàlm -àm

bàlmy sea = BrE bàrmy daft


báluster cf. bánister

banàl BrE; AmE bânal



bánd music = bánned ban

bándwagon one word

Bangkók cf. Háncóck - both -ngk-





bàrbecûe *bàrbeqûe

barcarólle or -óle

bàrd poet, bacon = bàrred bar

bãre naked = béãr animal, tolerate


bàrgaín *bàrgin


bàr mítzvah


báron nobleman = bárren bare = Bárron person

baróque *bərók

bárrage -àzh BrE, AmE *bəràzh



bâse basic = bâss treble, cf. báss fish = Báss person

bâses base -ssíz = bâsses music

bâsês basis -ssêez bâsic -ss-

bâsin -ss-

bâsis -ssíss

bāsk sun = Bāsque people

bāsketball one word

báss fish = Báss person

bâss treble = bâse basic

bassoôn -ssoô-

bâste pour, sew = bâsed base

batállion cf. báttle

bâte anger, breath = bâit lure

bāth = Bāth city cf. bâthe swim, final e signifying voiced th

bátón - one t, cf. Pátton, Hátton etc.

báttlefield one word

Báx person = bácks back

bazàar *bəzàr, cf. bizàrre, í

Bà’ath party BrE = bāth water

is = bêe insect

bêach sand = bêech tree

bêad string = Bêde person

bêan eat = bêen was

béãr tolerate, animal = bãre naked, cf. bêer drink, hêar hearing

bêat win, hit, rhythm = bêet sugar

bêater beat BrE = bêta Greek

bêátify saint cf. Sêáttle and beaûtify beauty

Bêatríce, Bêatrix a as schwa: Bêə-

beau boyfriend = Bô Diddley

beaûty *byûty

because ó Béchèt *Béshây bêe insect = bê is bêetle insect = Bêatle Beatles, cf. bêat rhythm bêech tree = beâch sand bêen was = bêan eat bêer drink = bìêr coffin bêet sugar = bêat hit Bèethôven *Bâitovən behêmoth Bèijíng - j not zh sound bêíng cf. Bíng Beirût *Bây-roôt Belarûs - one would expect this post-Soviet word (once literally rendered as ‘White Russia’) to regularise to ‘Bélarus’, with the u as schwa, but this hasn’t happened; the most common alternative is still Belarùs Bélfāst Bélgium *Béljəm belîe cf. relŷ, belŷing, lîe belìêve béllicôse bellígerent -j- béllow shout, bellows cf. belôw under Bénaud *Bénnô bénefit benévolent bérèt *bérrây bërk insult = Bürke person Bërkelêy California cf. Bàrclaỳ person = BrE Berkeley person Bërkshîre AmE; BrE *Bàkshə, as with bàrk dog, tree Bàrking town Berlín bérry fruit = bury ground bërth ship = bïrth born bêta AmE bèta Bétjeman *Bétcheman bewíldered BrE *biwíldəd, AmE *bêwíldərd

bezìque *bəzêek bî- two = bŷ preposition = bŷ- extra = bŷe cricket, goodbye = buŷ sell = bî bisexual bîas bîased *bŷəst bìdet *bêedây bìêr corpse = bêer drink bîght curve = bîte eat = bŷte computer bígot Bíllie female = Bílly male = bílly goat bîô- biógraphy biólogy Bïrmingham *Bïrmingəm, g not sounded separately bïrthplace one word bíscuit *bísket, cf. bāsket bîson cf. bâsin bîte food = bŷte computer = bîght loop bizàrre *bízàr, cf. bazàar *bəzàr bláckmail blānch white = Blānche person blancmange *blamónzh blãre noise = Blãir person bléssed *blést; but mostly as attributive adj: a *bléssíd thíng bleŵ blow = blûe colour blóc grouping = blóck prevent, wood, building blónd male person, male and female adjective = blónde female person blòodstained one word blòodthirsty one word blürred cf. cûred bŏar animal = bŏor rude = bŏre boring, carried bŏard wooden, directors = bŏred boring, cf. brŏad wide bôast bôat Boàteng Bwà- Bôeing person = bôwing music Boer *Bùer bôgey golf, ghost = bôgie trolley, truck = Bôgey Bogart bôld brave = bôwled bowl

Bóllywood bôlt metal = Bôlt = Bôult persons Bólton city, person = Bôulton person bómb *bóm Bombây bómbing *bómming bôna fîdê bonhomìê *bónə-mêe boôgie-woôgie boòkkeeper one word: extended k sound as if two boôst boôze drink = boôs boo Bŏrdeaux *Bŏrdô, cf. Bardôt, *Bardô bŏred boring = bŏard wooden, directors bŏredom *bŏrdum Bŏrgia *Bŏrjə bŏrn birth = bŏrne wind = bŏurn stream bòrough town BrE -rə, AmE = búrrow earth bosom *bùzəm bôth boûgainvillea *bûgənvília bòugh tree = bòw low, ship bôulder rock = bôlder bold Boulogne *Bəlŏin böurbon bŏurgeois bŏrzhwà bourgeoisìê bŏrzhwà-zêe bŏurne stream = bŏrn birth = bŏrne carried Bŏurnemouth *Bŏrnməth bòw low, ship = bòugh tree bôw knot bòwel bòwer tree = bàuer euchre bôwl all meanings bóxing sport = Bóxing Day búffalo animal = Búffalo America

brâin head cf. Brîan person brâinwash one word Brasília - s Brazíl - z bréad food = bréd breed breâk smash, interval = brâke car breâkaway adjective cf. breâk awây verb breâkdown noun cf. breâk dòwn verb breâkthroûgh noun *brâkethrû; cf. breâk throûgh verb bréakfast bréath noun unvoiced th, brêathe verb voiced th, cf. mòuth, same noun-verb distinction in pronunciation, but invariable spelling bréathtaking one word bréd breed = bréad food brêed animal cf. bréad food bréthren -dhrən Brîan = Brŷan cf. brâin, O’Brîen brìêf brîght -ît Brísbane *Brízbən Brítain country -tən; = Bríton citizen, Brítten, Brítton, Bríttain persons Bríttany France ≈ Brítney person brôach subject = broôch wear brŏad cf. bŏard bróccolì *bróckəlêy Brómwich *Brómmidge Bróntê brôoch pin BrE = brôach speak; AmE broôch broôm sweep = brûme mist bróthel unvoiced th bròther voiced th Bròúgh *Brúff broûgham carriage = broôm sweep - or gha as schwa, broôəm broûhàhà Brûges = Brûgge *Brûzh

brûise contusion *brûze = breŵs beer




Bucharést Bùka-

Budapést Bùda-

Bùddha -ùdə

Bùddhist -ùdi-

Buénos Aîres Argentina –ríz or Ãires *Ãríz, cf. Ãries Ram

bùffèt eat *bùffây

búffet hit, t sounded

buffoôn -ffoô-

buíld *bíld

buílding *bílding



bùlletin búllshit one word buŏy sea = bŏy child buŏyant *bŏyant bürden load = Bürdon person bûreau *byûrô, plural bûreaux, *bûrôz bureaucracy *byûrócracy, *beaûrócracy bürger hamburger = bürgher business = Bërger person bürgeoning bürn fire = Bÿrne name bürqa búrrow ground = AmE bòrôugh town cf. Búrrôughs person bury ground = bérry tree, Bury town

bús transport = búss kiss

búsed driven or bússed = búst bosom, broke búses plural, verb *bússes búsing -ss- bùsh

business *bízniss, cf. bíz, busy-ness being busy

businessman one word, bíz-

bússed driven or búsed = búst bosom, broken

busy bíz-

busybódy bíz-; one word

busy-ness busy cf. business matter - both í

bútt head, joke, buttocks = bút however


buŷ sell = bŷ preposition = bŷ- incidental = bŷe cricket = bî- two = bî bisexual




Bÿrd person = bïrd fly

bŷte computer = bîte food = bîght loop

Bŷzántîne or Býzantîne


C = sêe look

cabál cf. câble

cáche arms = cásh money

càdre *càder; AmE càdrê

cáddie golf = cáddy tea

cáfè (can be written as café)

cáfè au lâit (can be written as café au lait) *cáfâyô-lây



Caìus Cambridge = kêys lock; otherwise regularly Caîus, rhyming with Gaîus


cálendar not spelt -er, cf. còlander

Cálgary *Cálgəri

Califŏrnia -nyə

callígraphy -ll-

cállous uncaring = cállus skin ≈ Cállas Maria (or Cállás)

càlm -àm, BrE and AmE


camêllia or caméllia cf. chamaêleon *camêliən


cámouflàge -àzh

campâign *campâin, cf. champâgne *shám-pâin, and words in -èign, all of which rhyme

Cámpbell *Cámble, rhyming with gámble

cán able, tin = Cánnes France

Cânaan *Câynən - aa as schwa







Cánberra -bərə, BrE *Cánborough

cáncer illness = Cáncer constellation

cándidate BrE -ət, AmE -âte

câne stick, sugar = Câin Abel

cánister - one n


cánnibal cf. Hánnibal

cannót - or cánnot for emphasis, but always one word when nót is modifying cán, cf. ít cán nót ônly…but ålsô…

canoe -noô

cánon church, œuvre, music = cánnon war

cánt cliche = Kánt philosopher, AmE cán’t impossible


cánvas paint, tent = cánvass election

cányon cf. ònion, both -yən


Câpe Tòwn - two words, *Câpetown

capíllary AmE cápillãry

cápital city = Cápitol Washington



càr vehicle = Càrr = Kàrr persons

càr-lôad noun

cárat gold = cárrot food

càrcass body cf. Carácas


cãrefree one word

carêer profession, speed BrE = Korêa country, cf. cárrier carry


Cáríbbêan *Cárri-bêeən (some say Cəríbbêən)

cáricature cf. cháracter, both k-

Carlîsle city, person = Carlŷle person

Carnêgìê hard g

caròusal carouse *cəròuzəl

carousél round *carəssél

cárry bring = Cárrie person

càrt horse = kàrt race


cartél càrton cartoôn cf. Khartoûm, m only different sound cásh money = cáche weapons cáshmêre wool = Kashmìr Asia cassàva cāst drama, throw, eye = cāste India Castílian cf. Castìlle cāstle -ssl cásual cf. cåusal cásualty Cátalan Catalônia - ‘Catalunya’ is Catalan catàrrh *catàr, cf. Qátàr catástrophê catastróphic cátchphrase one word Câte - although Kâte is the traditional abbreviation of Cátherine, Kátharine, etc. câter cáterpillar cáttle cows cf. kéttle boil cåucus rhymes with råucous cåught catch BrE = cŏurt tennis cauliflòur *cóllyflower cåuse reason -z = BrE Cŏrrs persons, cf. cŏurse -ss, cf. because *bicóz, ’cós because *cóz cause celébre cause célèbre *côz-celébrə cavalìêr cávêát cêase stop *sêess, cf. sêize hold cêasefîre cêde yield = sêed plant cèilidh *kâlêy cêiling floor = sêaling shutting centrífugal s- célebrâte celébrity célibate céll prison, biology = séll money céllar wine = séller sales céllo ch- Céltic or céltic civilisation K-, cf. Céltic, S- football club cémetery *sémətry, not -ary cénsor censorship = sénsor feel ≈ cénsure blame cént money = sént send = scént perfume céntral s- céntre s-, AmE cénter centrífugal centrípetal céntrist s- cêreal cornflakes = sêrial series cérebral s-; AmE cerêbral Ceres planet *Sírêez, cf. Sírius star, seríes string céremony s- cërvical s- or cervîcal cesãrian cf. Caêsar, both s- césspit one word césspool one word ch- mostly tch-; ch- where stated chà tea - or chàr as other meanings chà chà Chádian *Cháddian chãir sit = Chér person chaise lóngue *shézz-lóng chágrin sh-; AmE *shəgrìn chamaêleon k-; AmE -mêl-, cf. camêlia, only ending sounds different châmber tsh-, cf. Châmbers person chámois *shámwà champâgne *shámpâin, cf. campâign *cámpâin (no capital c for the drink) chandelìêr sh- Chandrasèkhar chánnel rhymes with pánel châós *kâyóss chápel church = Cháppell person cháperône sh- chárabanc *shárabang, cf. shebáng charàde sh-; AmE charâde cháracter k charivàri sh- chàrlatan sh- Chàrlotte Sh- chásm *kázzəm chássis *shássy châste virgin = châsed chase Chátham -təm chauffëur *shôfër chauvinist shô- chêap cost = chêep bird both tsh- chêapskâte one word chêat tsh- Chéchnya Tsh- chéckpoint one word chêetah tsh- chéf sh-, cf. chìêf, ch sound chéque money tsh-; BrE = chéck verify, Czéch nationality Cherokêe Tsh- chérry-píck tsh- chévron sh- cheŵ tsh-; cf. words beginning tû- chèz *shây chìc sh- Chicàgo Shí-, à in both BrE and AmE chíck chìêf tsh-, cf. chéf, sh- chihuàhua *tshiwàwa chîld singular tsh- chîldbïrth one word chíldren plural tsh- Chílê country tsh-, = chílì or chíllì bean = chílly cold Chílêan Tsh- chimêra kí- chímney tsh- chívalry sh- chívy or chívvy tsh- chlamýdia kl- Chlôê *Klôwie chlóroform kl- chóc chocolate tsh- = chóck wedge chóck-a-blóck choîr singers = quîre paper choléstorol k- choôse select = cheŵs chew chŏrd music = cŏrd rope, vocal chŏrus k- Chrîst Kr- chrísten *kríssen Chrístian *Kríshtchən, or *Krístchen cf. crýstal Chrístmas *Kríssməss Chrístopher *Krístəfə chrôme kr- chrónic kr- chrysánthemum kríz- chûte fall sh-; = shoôt gun chútzpah *hùtspə, cf. Hótspur ci- s- Cícely person = Sícily Italy cîder cigàr cínema cínnamon cïrcle cïrcuit *sërkit circûítous s- cïrcumcîse sër- circumcísion s-; -zhən cïrcumstance s- císsy weak = Císsy person = síssy weak cîte quote = sîght see = sîte place Cítroen ™ car = cítron lemon cíty s- cívil s- civílian s-; one l clándestîne; some say clandéstíne Clãir = Clãire = Clãre clámour - AmE clámor clánger normal ng sound, rhyming with hánger, cf. ánger, áng-ger, dânger, -njer Clápham London = cláp ’em clap them cláptrap one word clāssroom one word clåuse words = clåws claw = Clåus Santa claustrophôbia clós- clêan cléanliness cléanse -nz clërgy cléric clërk AmE; BrE = Clàrk = Clàrke persons clìchè *clêeshây clîmb up = clîme weather clìque *clêek, cf. clíck clóckwörk one word clôse shut = clôze test clôse near, cul-de-sac *clôce clóth unvoiced th clôthe voiced th clôthes voiced th côach transport, trainer côalésce cŏarse rough = cŏurse sport, eduation côal mine = Côle person côalman coal = Côleman person cŏarse crude = cŏurse route, study côast cf. cóst côastguard one word côax cóbra or côbra cóchineal Côckburn = Côburn persons cóck-up côconut or côcoanut cocoôn côdêine côdicil coêlacanth sêel-, AmE cêlacanth coërce CofÊ Church of England *sêeyəvêe cóffee *cóffy cógnac *cónyák Côhen *Côwen, rhymes with Ôwen côíncidence no hyphen côhêre còlander cf. cálendar Côle person = côal burn Cólin collápse Cóllins collóssal collûde Colôgne Germany = colôgne perfume *kəlôan Colòmbia country = Colúmbia British, company; or ó Colòmbo côlon cölonel army = BrE kërnel nut colônial colonnâde cólonise cólony Coloràdo in both BrE and AmE colorâtion or colourâtion cú- cóloratùra còlour tint cf. cóllar neck cólumn *cóllum cólumnist *cólumist - though some pronounce the n côma cf. cómma cômb hair -m, cf. còme here cómbat cómbatant or combátant cómedy còmeúppance ó; one word còmfortable -ft- cómfortably-óff cómma punctuate, cf. côma unconscious cómment commërcial commít commíttee commûnal cómmune noun commûne verb cómmunism commûnity còmpany compãre contrast cf. cómpére compère host cómparable or compárable compárative compárison compàrtment cómpensâte compensâtion cómpére - compère show, cf. compãre contrast complâint complain cómplement together = cómpliment praise cómplex AmE compléx compléxion not -ct- complîant comply cómpromîse pronounced but never written -ize, cf. prómise *prómíss cómrâde AmE cómráde, cf. Cónrád concêde concentrâte cf. consént cóncrete concatenâtion - e, not i concentrâte cf. consént cóncept concéptual concërtô *cənshërto, *cənshérto concörd Cóncord condîgn -dîne cóndom cóndŏr condûcíve cóndûít or -dwít - BrE was *cóndit or *cúndit, but now regularised conféss conféssion -féshən cónfidant person -dónt cónfident adjective -dənt Confûcian -shən confûsion -zhən cónger hard g cóngeries soft g connéct Connécticut *Cənétikət connéction BrE can be connéxion connîve connoissëur - -oi- as schwa: *connəssür cónquer win = cónker nut cónquest cf. quést cónscious consénsus cf. cénsus consént cf. concentrâte consërvative conservâtion consigliérê *consíl-yãry cónsôle noun consôle comfort consólidate cónsŏrt noun cf. cóncert, e as schwa consŏrt verb conspírator conspîre constábulary constítuency consûme -syû- contémptible cóntext contéxtual contínûùm -nyû- cóntrary opposed contrãry awkward cóntribûte or contríbûte contribûtion contríbutor contrôl contradíct contríbute cóntribûtion cóntrovërsy or contróversy - controvërsial? coòk kitchen = Coòk = Coòke persons Coômbs = Coômbes *Coûmz cooperâtion côwóp-, cf. cŏrporation coóperative côwóp- Copenhâgen Cô-; or -hàgen cóp-òut cóps police = cópse wood cópyrîght *cópywrîte: it’s a rîght about writing córal cŏr ànglâis *cŏ-rónglây cŏrd vocal, string = chŏrd music cŏrdon cŏre apple = cŏrps army cŏrnerstône one word corôna córonary córoner cŏrps army = cŏre apple, cf. following cŏrpse corràl córrugate AmE cörrugate cóst cf. côast Cósta Rìca cóttage -íj còuch còuchant couchétte cûsh- cóugh *cóff còuncil committee = còunsel advice còuncillor còunt còunty cf. coúntry còunterfeít còunter-productive hyphenated coúntry cf. còunty, còunt, which begin with the còw sound coûp d’état = coô bird coúple coúrage - AmE can be cöurage courâgeous cŏurse route, study = cŏarse crude, -ss, cf. cåuse, -z, cürse, -s cŏurt tennis, monarch, woo - BrE = cåught catch cöurteous


cöurtesy politeness cf. cürtsey bow coúsin *cúzzen còver côvert cf. ovërt còvet -ít còws animals = Còwes Isle of Wight; cf. kowtòw Coŵper = Coôper, or Còwper cŏyôtê AmE *kîôat cráckpot noun one word crêak noise = crêek water crêam crêâte crêâtion -êâshən crêature -ch- créche *crésh, cf. crásh crêdence credéntials crédibílity crêed crêek water = crêak noise créme crème créme de menthe - crème de menthe *crémdə-mónt Crêôle crêosote crèpe crèpe crescéndos -sh- créscent *crézzənt crévíce crevásse creŵ ship = Creŵe town creŵ-cut Crîchton *Crŷtən crîme Crîmêa -êə Crôát *Crôwát Croâtia *Crôwâshə cróc crocodile = cróck pot, old crôchet knit *crôshây, cf. crótchet crócodîle croissant *kwússón, French nasal -ón crône crôny cróss-examinâtion cròtch genitals = crútch support crótchet irritable, music regular pronunciation, cf. crôchèt *crôshây crûcible crûcifíxion crûise -ûz crúx crýpt crýstal - t sounded, cf. whístle, grístle, silent t cùckoô cûe snooker, theatre = queûe line cuisìne *quizêen, cf. cóusin *cúzzən cúl-de-sác cúlprit cúm with = còme here cúpboard rhymes with Húbbard curaçào *curassòw cûrate person curâte museum cürb stop, street = kërb street cûre-åll noun, adjective cûrious cúrrant eat = cúrrent now, flow currículum vìtaê cürse cf. cŏurse cürt blunt = Kürt person cürtsey bow cf. cöurtesy politeness cùshion cf. percússion, both -shən cústard cústody BrE *cústardy cút-prîce cy- s- cýclamen s- cŷcle s- cýclical s- cŷclist s- cýgnet swan = sígnet ring cýlinder cýmbal drums = sýmbol sign cŷpher or cîpher, cf. decîpher cŷpress tree = Cŷprus country s- cýst s- cýnic s- cýnicism Czàr or Tsàr *Zàr Czéch nationality = chéck verify = BrE chéque cash


D = Dêe person Dail parliament = Dŏyle person dâily daîquíri dãiry milk cf. dîary day Dàlek Dalziél *Dêe-él dám river = dámn hell dámage dânger -jer, cf. clánger, hánger, no j sound Dániel *Dányəl Dânish Dáphnê *Dáffney dãresây is one word in Î dãresay meaning ‘probably’ dàrtbŏard one word dāstardly cf. bāstard dâtabâse AmE dátabâse one word dåughter *dåwter Dâvìês -z AmE; BrE = Dâvis dávit dâys day = dâze dazzle de *də (de lûxe or de lúxe) or dè (dè fácto), not a word in its own right déad cf. dêed déadline one word déadlock one word dêal déalt dêar loved, expensive = dêer animal dëarth debàcle débris débris BrE *débrêe or dâybree; AmE *dəbrêe débt *dét; silent b dèbut début *dâybyû - or dé- dèbuted débuted *dâybyûd - or dé- décade years cf. decâyed decay - though some do rhyme them Decémber dêcent decídûous -yû déckchair one word declássè déclassé *dây-clássây décimate decîpher cf. cŷpher or cîpher Déclan dêed cf. déad dêer animal = dêar friend, expensive dè fácto two words, *dây-fácto defámatory defâme defër cf. díffer déficit définitely defûse problem dê-, -z, cf. diffûse, dí- degénerate dèign condescend = Dâne Denmark deipnósphist déjà vu *dèzhà-vû delây deletêrious Délhi India = déli delicatessen delínêâte delínquent delîght -ît Dêlius cf. Sibèlius delíver déluge -yû- delûsion cf. illûsion de lûxe or de lúxe démagogue -góg demānd démo demócracy cf. hypócrisy democrátic demür demûre dénguê fêver dénier weight, coin *dényə, cf. denîer deny Dénis = Dénnis Denìse -êez denŷ depéndant person = depéndent adjective dërby race = Dërby England AmE; BrE = Dàrby person de riguëur *dərigër - hard g desálinate descént down = dissént disagree descrîbe dís- désert sand desërt leave = dessërt meal désiccate - very commonly misspelt: -ss- would be expected after é, cf. párallel despãir désperate cf. dísparate, séparate desperâtion despícable dessërt meal -zërt = desërt leave dessërts just -zërts détail noun detâil verb detër detêriorate detërmíne detérrent detrîtus dévastate devastâtion devélop rhymes with envélop verb, cf. énvelôpe noun devîce -ss, cf. divîde devîse -z, cf. divîde devôte devotêe devòut deŵ morning = dûe owed, cf. do act *dû déxtrous or déxterous diabêtes *dîəbêtêez or -tíz diabétic diaérisis *dî-érisis, AmE diérisis dîálýsis dîamond dîáphanous dîaphragm -ám diarrhoêa BrE *dîre-rêar; AmE diarrhêa dîary cf. dãiry diáspora dictâte cf. díktát dîcy dodgy cf. Dícky, Díckie persons dîe death = dŷe colour dîehard one word dìêsel dîet *dîət díffer cf. defër diffûse various -ss, give out -z dígit díktát cf. dictâte dilémma dilettántê dímwit one word dínghy boat - no g sound, only ng sound díngy dark *dínjy dînosåur dîocese *dîəsíss diphthêria díphthong diplôma díplomat dîre cf. dêar dírham disassôciate - -sass- disarrây disāstrous -zā-, no e, cf. disāster; mürderous, cantánkerous, etc. dísc record, circular = dísk computer discòver discrêet careful = discrête separate discrétion -éshən discriminâtory díscus discúss disequilíbrium disgúst revulsion ≈ discússed talked disingénuous - -uou- Dísney *Díznì dispátch or despátch dispénsable disséction dissént disagree = descént down dissymétric dîssý- dístribûte or distríbûte -yû- divîne cf. Devìne divîsive cf. divîde, dêvious, devîse Djángo Reînhardt - unlike in French do *dû cf. dûe cause, time = deŵ morning *dyû doable *dûwable Dócherty or Dóherty same pronunciation: Celtic ch sound, same as Arabic kh as in Khàn dôcîle AmE *dóssle dòes do *dúz, cf. dôes female deer dóg-êat-dóg dógged verb *dógd: this próblem dógged us dógged attributive adjective *dóggíd: a dógged pursûer dôe animal = dôh music, exclamation dòes *dúz, cf. fãir do’s, *doôz dôle money = Dôle person

Retroalphabetical list