English spellings
Homophones are words that are pronounced the same. English, famous for its varied spellings, is rich in homophones, and they are here arranged alphabetically. The most common word is placed first in the entry.
The words in italics suggest meaning, the accents show pronunciation (see English phonemes) and the equals sign = (or approximately equals sign ≈) is placed between the homophones: in some cases other words are included for contrast (after cf.).
àh response ≈ àaah sentiment ≈ àaargh disgust (in the latter cases more a´s may be added)
âble capable = Âbel person
ádd more = ád advertisement
advîser = advîsor (alternatives)
âid help = âide assistant; Âids or ÂIDS disease = âids, âides plurals
ãir breathe = Ãyr Scotland = ére before = é’er ever = héir estate
ãiry light = all four spellings of éyrie = éyry = ãerie = ãery bird, cf. êerie strange
alîgn = a lîne, cf. állŷ
åll every = åwl tool, cf. Ál person
allót assign = a lót much