African American literature/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about African American literature.
See also changes related to African American literature, or pages that link to African American literature or to this page or whose text contains "African American literature".

Parent topics

  • Developing Article African American: The generally-accepted term for United States citizens with black African ancestry. [e]


Other related topics

  • Black arts movement: Add brief definition or description
  • Negrismo: Also known as “Afrocubanismo”, an ongoing political and cultural movement within modern Cuba offering a way to defy and challenge the status quo and focusing on resolving the issues of inequality within social justice for those of African descent. This movement seeks to enable all aspects of African identity within Cuba to be recognized and celebrated. [e]
  • Negritude: A literary movement within the Paris intellectual environment of 1930s and 1940s that came about when black writers joining together through the French language to assert their cultural identity. Aimé Césaire, Léon Damas and Léopold Sédar Senghor are generally regarded as the founders of the movement and the journal L’Etudiant noire. [e]

Articles related by keyphrases (Bot populated)