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imported>Howard C. Berkowitz
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'''Capitalism''' is an [[economics|economic]] system based on the private ownership of resources and industry (as opposed to state ownership) for the purpose of profit. It evolved from the earlier market economic model of [[mercantilism]]; capitalism is differentiated by the use of [[common stock]] and other securities to generate [[capital]].
'''Capitalism''' is an [[economics|economic]] system based on the private ownership of resources and industry (as opposed to state ownership) for the purpose of profit. It evolved from the earlier market economic model of [[mercantilism]]; capitalism is differentiated by the use of [[common stock]] and other securities to generate [[capital]].[[Category:Suggestion Bot Tag]]

Latest revision as of 17:01, 24 July 2024

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Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of resources and industry (as opposed to state ownership) for the purpose of profit. It evolved from the earlier market economic model of mercantilism; capitalism is differentiated by the use of common stock and other securities to generate capital.