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| Supplements to this article include an [[/Timelines|'''annotated chronology of the main events in the countries affected''']]  ; a  [[/Tutorials|'''discussion of economic theories concerning causes and remedies''']]; and  more detailed [[Great Depression in the United States|'''accounts of developments in the United States''']], '''[[Great Depression in Germany|Germany]]''', '''[[Great Depression in the United Kingdom|the United Kingdom]]''' and '''[[Showa Depression (Japan)|Japan]]'''.
The '''Great Depression''' was the longest and deepest downturn in economic activity in modern history. It has had a profound influence upon economic theory, the practice of economic management, and social policy.

The '''Great Depression''' was the most severe worldwide economic downturn to date; it started in late 1929 in the U.S. and persisted in some countries, to the end of the 1930s. The depression was felt most markedly in the United States, Germany  and other industrial countries, as well as raw materials producers such as Australia.  
Following the [[Crash of 1929]], the United States experienced a deep decline in  prices and production.  Businesses and banks closed, people lost their jobs, homes, and savings; and in the absence of welfare programs, many depended on charity to survive.  At its worst, in 1933, U.S. unemployment reached a poverty-inducing 25 per cent of the working population, and in the ensuing recovery, it did not fall below 15 per cent until the beginning of the [[Second World War]].  

''(For the international effects of the great depression see the [[/Addendum|Addendum subpage]], and for a discussion of economic theories concerning its causes, see the  [[/Tutorials |Tutorials subpage]].)''
At about the same time, the German and Canadian economies suffered downturns of comparable severity.  The British economy experienced a substantial though comparatively short-lived downturn.  The French economy suffered a modest but prolonged decline.  In Japan, the downturn was also modest but shorter. Most other industrialized countries and their suppliers experienced downturns in economic activity that caused hardship and political unrest.

==The crisis==
Subsequent investigations have attempted to discover the causes for the length and severity of the depression, its global scope, and the effectiveness of various governmental policiesThe answers to those problems remain incomplete but there is a limited consensus among economists  concerning its principal features and concerning the appropriate policy response to a threat of a comparable downturn.
The Great Depression started in the United States in 1929 and lasted there until 1939Many United States banks failed because they had made loans to stock market speculators that were not repaid. United States industrial production declined 47 percent, its GDP fell 30 percent, wholesale prices fell by  33 percent, and unemployment rose to over 20 percent,

==Supplementary material==
The following supplementary material is available:
==Contributory factors==
* an annotated [[/Timelines|chronology]] of the main events in the countries affected;
* a discussion of economic theories concerning [[/Tutorials| causes and remedies]]; and
===Post-war boom===
* more detailed accounts of developments  [[Great Depression in the United States|the United States]], [[Great Depression in Germany|Germany]], [[Great Depression in the United Kingdom|the United Kingdom]], and [[Showa Depression (Japan)|Japan]].
===The stock exchange crash===
===Monetary policy===
===Trade protection===
===The gold standard===
===The labour market===
===Economic activity===

In the United States, the Great Depression <ref>The editors of the British journal ''The Economist'' have suggested that the term depression is conventionally applied to a decline in real GDP that exceeds 10%, or one that lasts more than three years. [].  But ''The Economist'' also notes that prior to the Great Depression any economic [[recession]] was called a "depression."  Economists since 1929 have used the term "recession" "to avoid stirring up nasty memories." </ref> began in 1929, reached its deepest point in 1933 and lasted until 1939.  It was accompanied during that period by a stock change crash, a series of banking crises, a [[credit crunch]], and a severe [[deflation]].  It resulted in a massive loss of output, persistently high [[Employment|unemployment]] and widespread deprivation.  A similar sequence of events occurred at about the same time in Germany, downturns of differing severity also occurred in many industrialized and commodity-producing currencies, and there was a general collapse in international trade. Some years after its outset there was a general return to previous levels of economic activity, but the  economies of the United States and of several other countries did not fully recover until the outbreak of the [[Second World War]].
The resulting hardships had significant political repercussions, including the replacement of existing national governments&mdash;notably in Germany&mdash;and a deterioration of international relations, but besides causing widespread human suffering, the great depression stimulated major investigations into  its causes; gave birth to [[macroeconomics]] as a distinct field of study, and the genesis of the rival theories [[Keynesianism]] and [[Monetarism]]; and led to the systematic collection and publication of [[economic statistics]]. It has exerted a major influence upon political beliefs and ideologies and despite continuing  controversy,  it has  generated  major changes in the  consensus views of economists and politicians. It  has also led to international agreements on economic issues, such as that reached at the [[Bretton Woods Conference]], and to  the creation of instruments of international cooperation such as the [[Bank for International Settlements]], the [[International Monetary Fund]], the [[World Bank]] and the [[World Trade Organisation]].

==The development of the depression==
==The development of the depression==
A central cause of the Great Depression were the economic consequences of the [[Treaty of Versailles]]. The post-World-War-One recovery required a long and difficult period of adaptation for its European participants. After a turbulent post-war period during which there were deep but short-lived [[recession]]s on both sides of the Atlantic, there was renewed economic growth in the United States and Europe. The UK and France had incurred huge wartime debts to the United States and Germany was faced with crippling reparations payments. Suspension of war debt repayment was dismissed by the U.S. and the UK and France had few other easy alternatives than squeezing Germany for reparations.  When Germany attempted to meet the reparations schedule, beginning in 1922, it's economy collapsed within months and was in technical payment default by January 1923.  This collapse precipitated the Ruhr Crisis, a general strike in Germany, and hyperinflation.  The U.S. attempted to stabilize the European flow of capital through the [[Dawes Plan]] by which the U.S. essentially bailed out the German economy.  With the U.S. and European economies now closely tied together, however, the Dawes Plan (and its modification, the [[Young Plan]]) guaranteed that any downturn in the U.S. economy would be quickly exported to Europe.<ref>[ Daniel Costillo: ''German Economy in the 1920s'' 2003].  Editor's note: Costillo may have made the argument that Germany was attempting to reflate its economy in 1922 which precipitated the German hyperinflation.  Someone needs to verify the applicability of Costillo as a source for this paragraph.</ref>

== The  New Deal in the United States ==
The return to the [[gold standard]] in the following decade, after its wartime suspension, had involved further disruption. The United Kingdom rejoined the [[gold standard]] in 1925 at an [[exchange rate]] that overvalued the pound, and France rejoined it in 1928 at an exchange rate that undervalued the franc.  There followed a series of British trade deficits and gold outflows and a series of French trade surpluses and gold inflows.  By 1927, the [[Bank of England]]'s gold reserves were running so low that its governor persuaded the [[Federal Reserve System|Federal Reserve Bank of New York]] to lower its [[discount rate]].
{{Main|New Deal}}

[[Franklin D. Roosevelt|Roosevelt]] attacked the depression problem on two levels: First, emergency measures, such as social relief programs and make-work programs of all kinds, urgently needed to prevent millions of Americans from literally starving, and give them work—any work. Secondly, on a strategic level, were those measures to reconstruct and develop the country’s totally ruined infrastructure. Dozens of [[alphabet agencies]] (AAA, CCC, CWA, [[FHA]] <ref name=FHA>[ Federal Housing Administration]</ref>, [[FDIC]]<Ref name=FDIC>[ FDIC - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation]</ref>, NRA, NRLA, [[PWA]], [[TVA]] <ref name=TVA>[ TVA - Tennessee Valley Authority: From the New Deal to a New Century]]</ref>, [[SEC]]<ref name=SEC>[ SEC - U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission]</ref>, [[SSA]] <ref name=SSA>[ SSA - Social Security History]</ref>, [[WPA]], etc.) were created as a result of the New Deal. F.D.R. reduced unemployment by over 5 million in his first term—and reconstruct the country by physically changing its economy. <ref name=>[ CRAMER, Hartmut. ''F.D.R.’s 'New Deal': An Example of American System Economics''.<small>This speech opened the third panel of the conference, “On the Subject of Startegic Method, in Bad Schwalbach, Germany on May 28, 2000. Footnotes have been added.</small>]</ref>
The downturns in activity that led to the Great Depression began at the end of the 1920s following restrictionary policies in the United States and in Germany prompted by the wish to restrain stock exchange speculation and by concern about gold outflows. Both downturns were comparatively mild at first, but they became exceptionally severe  in both countries following  the stock exchange [[crash of 1929]] and the [[US banking crises of 1931-33]]. There were depressions of somewhat smaller magnitude in the UK, France and Scandinavia, and the major price reductions that occurred in the international commodity markets led to severe downturns in the commodity-producing economies of Australia and South America.

From 1932 onward Roosevelt argued that a restructuring of the economy—a "reform" would be needed to prevent another depression. New Deal programs sought to stimulate [[demand]] and provide work and relief for the impoverished through increased government spending, by:
In the United States, the recovery began in 1933 after the election of a new administration under the Presidency of [[Franklin D. Roosevelt]] and the launching of the [[New Deal]]. In 1993, the President suspended the gold standard,  imposed  a brief banking "holiday", sponsored the insurance of bank deposits, and  provided the banks with substantial  financial assistance. The [[Federal Reserve system]] began to expand the [[monetary base]], and there followed a limited and delayed increase in the [[money supply]] <ref name=stats>See the statistics on the tutorials page of the article on the Great Depression in the United States []</ref>. Confidence in the banking system returned, but the credit shortage was only very gradually relieved, and small firms continued to experience  credit difficulties for several years after 1933. The New Deal also involved a modest fiscal stimulus <ref> The [[fiscal stimulus]] is described as modest, because it only amounted to about 3 per cent of gdp [] in face of a 40 per cent downturn in activity.</ref>  and introduced a  programme of public works known as the [[New Deal]]. There was a slow recovery in output, interrupted by a brief downturn in the [[Recession of 1937]], but it although GDP had returned to its long-term trend by the end of 1938 unemployment continued for some time at an above-trend level .
* reforming the financial system, especially the banks and Wall Street. The [[Securities Act of 1933]] comprehensively regulated the securities industry. This was followed by the [[Securities Exchange Act of 1934]] which created the [[Securities and Exchange Commission]]. (Though amended, the key provisions of both Acts are still in force as of 2006). Federal insurance of bank deposits was provided by the [[Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation|FDIC]] (still operating as of 2006), and the [[Glass-Steagal Act]] (which remained in effect for 50 years).  
* instituting regulations which ended what was called "cut-throat competition" which kept forcing down prices and profits for everyone. (The NRA—which ended in 1935).
* setting minimum prices and wages and competitive conditions in all industries (NRA)
* encouraging unions that would raise wages, to increase the purchasing power of the working class (NRA)
* cutting farm production so as to raise prices and make it possible to earn a living in farming (done by the [[Agricultural Adjustment Act|AAA]] and successor farm programs)

The most controversial of the New Deal agencies was the [[National Recovery Administration]] (NRA) which ordered:
In Germany, the Nazi government under the Chancellorship of [[Adolf Hitler]] repudiated all international obligations and adopted a varied programme of reflation and rearmament, which was immediately effective in reducing unemployment and restoring economic growth.
* businesses to work with government to set price codes;
* the NRA board to set labor codes and standards.

These reforms (together with relief and recover measures) are called by historians the [[First New Deal]]. It was centered around the use of an [[alphabet soup]] of agencies set up in 1933 and 1934, along with the use of previous agencies such as the [[Reconstruction Finance Corporation]], to regulate and stimulate the economy. By 1935, the "Second New Deal" added [[Social Security]], a national relief agency the [[Works Progress Administration]] (WPA), and, through the [[National Labor Relations Board]] a strong stimulus to the growth of labor unions. Unemployment fell by two-thirds in Roosevelt's first term (from 25% to 9%), but then remained stubbornly high until 1942.  
Recovery from the recession began in 1931 in the UK, Scandinavia and Japan <ref> Summaries of the recoveries of countries other than the United States are available on the Addendum subpage</ref>  following currency devaluations made possible by departures from the [[gold standard]]. Recovery did not begin in France until its departure from the gold standard in 1936.

In 1929, federal expenditures constituted only 3% of the [[Gross domestic product|GDP]]. Between 1933 and 1939, federal expenditure tripled, funded primarily by a growth in the national debt. The debt as proportion of GNP rose under Hoover from 20% to 40%FDR kept it at 40% until the war began, when it soared to 128%. After the [[Recession of 1937]], conservatives were able to form a bipartisan [[Conservative coalition]] that stopped further expansion of the New Deal, and, by 1943, had abolished all of the relief programs.
===The question of causation===
There have been many attempts to establish the cause of the depression  and to explain its unprecedented depth and duration - but no definitive explanation has emerged. Because of the complexity of the interactions among the factors that were involved it now seems that any  search for a single cause is likely to be confusing and inconclusive. For example, although the popular view that it was initiated by the stock market crash can be shown to be mistaken <ref> Because the economic downturn started before the crash - see the paragraph on the crash on the [[/Tutorials|tutorials subpage]]</ref>, the crash must be presumed to have contributed to its subsequent severity. Similarly, it can reasonably  be presumed that although the 1931 banking panic could not have started the great depression, there is no doubt that it intensified its subsequent severity. In what follows, designation "contributory factor" rather than a "cause" is not intended to suggest that the factor in question  is of lesser importance.

===Great Infrastructure Projects===
===Rival Hypotheses===
Among rival explanations is the belief that the Great Depression was started by the bursting of a speculative [[Asset price bubble|bubble]] on the New York stock exchange and that it spread abroad from the United States, causing the collapse of a hitherto well-functioning system of international finance. Those beliefs have been challenged by the eminent economists who have studied the evidence. According to Ben Bernanke there is a consensus that the picture of a stock exchange [[bubble (economics)|bubble]] that had been verbally painted by John Kenneth Galbraith and others is mistaken, and that the stock prices did not at that time overstate the value of the issuing companies <ref> For the evidence supporting the contention that stocks were not overvalued, see the article on the [[Crash of 1929]]</ref>. Moreover, neither [[/Tutorials#Keynes and the Keynesians|John Maynard Keynes]] nor [[/Tutorials#Milton Friedman and the Chicago School|Milton Friedman]] considered the stock exchange crash to have started the downturn, although they both  recognised that it must have contributed to its severity. The belief that the depression originated uniquely in the United States has been challenged by [[/Tutorials#Peter Temin|Peter Temin]], who has identified evidence that it had an independent origin in Germany, and has suggested that it developed jointly from both origins. The belief that the depression put an end to what had been a stable international financial system has been challenged by [[/Tutorials#Charles Kindleberger|Charles Kindleberger]], who argues that, although the [[gold standard]] system had worked well before the first world war, its post-war version had a bias toward deflation that made it inherently unstable. Peter Temin has argued that the belief that the depression had been intensified by economic nationalism should be qualified by the consideration that the "trade war" could not have had much effect upon the United States because international trade had occupied too small a part in its economy; and the belief that trading had been hampered by the competitive devaluation of national currencies has been challenged by [[/Tutorials#Barry Eichengreen|Barry Eichengreen]] on the basis of evidence that it had contributed to world output.
The best of big "hard" infrastructure projects being carried out under the New Deal examples are the results of the [[PWA|Public Works Administration (PWA)]] <ref name=PWA>[ PWA - Public Works Administration,The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition, 2001-05]]</ref>, a former U.S. government agency established by Congress as the Federal Administration of Public Works, pursuant to the [[National Industrial Recovery Act]], and the almost legendary [[Tennessee Valley Authority]] (TVA) <ref name=TVA>[ TVA - Tennessee Valley Authority: From the New Deal to a New Century]]</ref>, both of which, President Roosevelt ran, more or less directly. The [[PWA]] became, with its ''"[[multiplier-effect]]"'' and first two-year budget of $3.3 billion (then an enormous sum), the driving force of America’s biggest construction effort up to that date. By June 1934 the agency had distributed its entire fund to 13,266 federal projects and 2,407 non-federal projects. For every worker on a [[PWA]] project, almost two additional workers were employed indirectly. The [[PWA]] accomplished the electrification of rural America, the building of canals, tunnels, bridges, highways, streets, sewage systems, and housing areas, as well as hospitals, schools, and universities; every year it used up roughly half of the concrete and one-third of the steel of the entire nation. <ref name=ROOSELVELT1>[ McJIMSEY, George. ''The Presidency of Franklin Delano Rooselvelt'', American Presidency Series. University Press of Kanasas, April 2000. ISBN 978-0-7006-1012-9]</ref> The development of the huge Tennessee River basin in the South by the [[TVA]] was a model for what a modern nation could accomplish.  By stopping the yearly floods of the Tennessee River and making it navigable, an entire area of almost the size of England could be opened up for development. [[Franklin Delano Roosevelt]] was the first President who attacked this problem from a higher level.
The projects to develop the "hard" infrastructure of the country were flanked by measures to improve its "soft" counterpart: important social measures, which for the first time in U.S. history, established the concept of a [[minimum wage]], created insurance for the unemployed, sick and old, established decent health care, and abolished child labor. The [[Works Progress Administration]] (later Work Projects Administration, abbreviated [[WPA]]), was created on May 6, 1935 by Presidential order (Congress funded it annually but did not set it up). It was the largest and most comprehensive [[New Deal|New Deal agency]], employing millions of people and affecting every locality. The crowning achievement of these measures was the [[Social Security Act of 1935]].  This law was overturned by the Supreme Court, so that Roosevelt had to pass it in another form the [[Wagner Act of 1935]], the "Bill of Rights" of American labor.
Many of the New Deal <ref name=NEWDEAL'>[ ROSENOF, Theodore. ''Economics in the Long Run: New Deal Theorists and Their Legacies, 1933-1993''. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1997. ISBN 0-8078-2315-5.]</ref> regulations were abolished or scaled back in 1975-1985 in a bipartisan [[neoliberal]] wave of [[deregulation]]. However various of them, such as the [[Federal Housing Administration]] (FHA) <ref name=FHA>[ Federal Housing Administration]</ref>, the [[Social Security Administration]] (SSA) <ref name=SSA>[ SSA - U. S. Social Security Administration]</ref> , the [[Tennessee Valley Authority]] (TVA) <ref name=TVA>[ TVA - Tennessee Valley Authority: From the New Deal to a New Century]]</ref>, the [[Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation]] (FDIC) <Ref name=FDIC>[ FDIC - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation]</ref>, the [[Securities and Exchange Commission]] (SEC) <ref name=SEC>[ SEC - U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission]</ref> and the so called [[Glass-Steagall Act]] sections of the original [[Banking Act]] of June 1933, (sections 16, 20, 21 and 32), which regulates Wall Street, won widespread support and continue to this day.
{{Main|New Deal}}
===Keynesian models===
In the early 1930s, before [[John Maynard Keynes]] wrote ''[[General Theory of Employment Interest and Money|The General Theory]]'', he was advocating public works programs and deficits as a way to get the British economy out of the Depression. Although Keynes never mentions fiscal policy in ''The General Theory'', and instead advocates the need to socialise investments, Keynes ushered in more of a theoretical revolution than a policy one. Keynes's basic idea was simple: in order to keep people fully employed, governments have to run deficits when the economy is slowing because, under unemployment, the private sector won't invest to increase production and reverse the recession.
As the Depression wore on, Franklin D. Roosevelt tried public works, farm subsidies and other devices to restart the economy, but he never completely gave up trying to balance the budget. According to the Keynesians he had to spend much more money; they were unable to say how much more.  With fiscal policy, however, government could provide the needed Keynesian spending by decreasing taxes, increasing government spending, increasing individuals' incomes.  As incomes increased, they would spend more. As they spent more, the multiplier effect would take over and expand the effect on the initial spending.  The Keynesians did not estimate what the size of the multiplier was. [[Keynesians|Keynesian economists]] assumed that poor people would spend new incomes; in reality they saved much of the new money, that is they paid back debts owed to landlords, grocers and family.  Keynesian initial ideas of the consumption function were harshly questioned in the 1950s by the monetarist [[Milton Friedman]] and have since been considerably refined by [[Franco Modigliani]] who, with help from the Hicks-Hansen [[IS-LM model]], <ref name=ISLM>[ ''The Hicks-Hansen IS-LM Model'']</ref> created the nucleus of the ''Neoclassical Synthesis of Keynesianism'' which was embraced and further developed  by [[Paul Samuelson]], [[James Tobin]], [[Wassily Leontief]] an his pupil [[Robert Solow]] to became the mainstream economic thought until the early seventies.
== Recession of 1937 in the United States  ==
{{Main|Recession of 1937}}
In [[1937]], the American economy took an unexpected nosedive that continued through most of 1938. Production declined sharply, as did profits and employment. [[Unemployment]] jumped from 14.3% in 1937 to 19.0% in 1938. The administration reacted by launching a rhetorical campaign against [[monopoly]] power, which was cast as the cause of the new dip. The president appointed an aggressive new direction of the antitrust division of the Justice Department, but this effort lost its effectiveness once World War II, a far more pressing concern, began.
But the administration's other response to the 1937 deepening of the Great Depression had more tangible results. Ignoring the pleas of the Treasury Department, Roosevelt embarked on an antidote to the depression, reluctantly abandoning his efforts to balance the budget and launching a $5 billion spending program in the spring of 1938, an effort to increase mass purchasing power.  Business-oriented observers explained the recession and recovery in very different terms from the Keynesians. They argued that the New Deal had been very hostile to business expansion in 1935-37, had encouraged massive strikes which had a negative impact on major industries such as automobiles, and had threatened massive anti-trust legal attacks on big corporations. All those threats diminished sharply after 1938. For example, the antitrust efforts fizzled out without major cases. The CIO and AFL unions started battling each other more than corporations, and tax policy became more favorable to long-term growth.
On the other hand, according to economist [[Robert Higgs]], when looking only at the supply of consumer goods, significant GDP growth only resumed in 1946 (Higgs does not estimate the value to consumers of collective goods like victory in war) (Higgs 1992). To Keynesians, the [[war economy]] showed just how large the fiscal stimulus required to end the downturn of the Depression was, and it led, at the time, to fears that as soon as America demobilized, it would return to Depression conditions and industrial output would fall to its pre-war levels. That is, [[Keynesians]] predicted that a new depression would start after the war, unless some government measures were enacted to prevent it, such as the [[Marshall Plan]] in destroyed Europe.
== Gold Standard ==
Britain departed from the [[gold standard]] in September 1931, allowing the pound sterling to float.  As a result, the value of the pound dropped significantly and British exports became cheaper.  In 1933, the United States followed suit and dropped the gold standard.
Madsen (2004) provides an econometric analysis from an international perspective on the consequences of inflexible wages and prices on the length and depth of the Great Depression beginning in 1929. In order to analyze the sources and consequences of the supply-side failure during the Great Depression, it is necessary to create a supply model consisting of price and wage settings in which, in addition to using instruments and alternative estimators, the sensitivity of the estimation results to different data sources, data coverage, instrument set, and restrictions imposed on the estimates are examined. The analysis indicates that inflexibility of prices in the manufacturing sector of the industrialized and semi-industrialized countries in the data set was the primary factor for the extent of the Great Depression.
Aldcroft (2004) notes the 1930s are often seen as a time of almost continuous currency disorder around the world, particularly between 1931 and 1933, when many countries went off the gold standard and allowed their currencies to float free. However, the wild fluctuations of the early years in the decade began to subside, and stability returned to the currency market due, in part, to the emergence of the sterling bloc; the name given to a group of countries that pegged their currencies to the value of the British pound. The arrangement worked well, in spite of there being no constitution or administrative regulations governing the operation of the system. The creation of the sterling bloc helped Britain to regain its position in international finance, accelerated its recovery from the Depression, and helped to stabilize international trade generally.<ref>Derek H. Aldcroft, "The Sterling Area in the 1930s: a Unique Monetary Arrangement?" ''Journal of European Economic History'' 2004 33(1): 9-32. Issn: 0391-5115.  See also Aldcroft (2006)</ref>
==Rearmament and recovery==
The massive rearmament policies to counter the threat from [[Nazi Germany]] helped stimulate the economies of many countries around the world. By 1937 unemployment in Britain had fallen to 1.5 million.  The mobilization of manpower following the outbreak of war in 1939 finally ended unemployment.
In the United States, the massive war spending doubled the GNP, helping end the depression. Businessmen ignored the mounting national debt and heavy new taxes, redoubling their efforts for greater output as an expression of [[patriotism]]. Patriotism drove most people to voluntarily work overtime and give up leisure activities to make money after so many hard years. People accepted rationing and price controls for the first time as a way of expressing their support for the war effort. Cost-plus pricing in munitions contracts guaranteed that businesses would make a profit no matter how many mediocre workers they employed, no matter how inefficient the techniques they used. The demand was for a vast quantity of war supplies as soon as possible, regardless of cost. Businesses hired every person in sight, even driving sound trucks up and down city streets begging people to apply for jobs. New workers were needed to replace the 12 million working-age men serving in the military. These events magnified the role of the federal government in the national economy. In 1929, federal expenditures accounted for only 3% of GNP. Between 1933 and 1939, federal expenditure tripled, and Roosevelt's critics charged that he was turning America into a socialist state. However, spending on the New Deal was far smaller than on the war effort.

The belief that policy mistakes had contributed to the disaster is generally accepted by economists, but there is disagreement among them concerning the nature of those mistakes, and concerning the economists' beliefs upon which they had been founded. The belief that had been current at the time that  economic  instability results from government attempts at regulation and that  action to counter  recessions makes them worse, is not widely accepted nowadays, except by some economists of the [[Austrian School]], and there are few who now believe that maintenance of  a balanced budget and adherence to the gold standard are essential for the maintenance  of price stability. The principle remaining controversy concerns the roles of fiscal and monetary policy. In their time, [[/Tutorials#Friedrich Hayek|Friedrich Hayek]] had laid the entire blame for the depression upon the Federal Reserve's 1924 monetary expansion, whereas  John Maynard Keynes and Milton Friedman had held its 1928 monetary contraction to have been largely responsible. Milton Friedman blamed the Federal Reserve for continuing to restrict the money supply after the depression had started, whereas John Maynard Keynes had warned President Roosevelt against reliance upon expanding the money supply and voiced concern about what he considered to be the President's reluctance to introduce an adequate  fiscal expansion.

Among the observable consequences of the Great Depression were personal losses of jobs, savings and homes, and there were reports that in Germany and the United States, in particular, that was accompanied by hunger, ill-health, and even starvation. It must also have had  effects upon social attitudes that were not observable, except indirectly in the form of occasional riots and hunger marches. It would be rash to attribute the political upheavals of the 1930s exclusively to the widespread personal hardships that were being suffered at the time, but an association between those developments was certainly evident. Political organisations that offered relief by means of increased social intervention in the conduct of industry and commerce gained power at the expense of the  mainly laissez-faire governments of the 1920s. In Germany, Italy and Japan the gains went to totalitarians, in France to social democrats,  and in the United States to Roosevelt's [[New Deal]] Democrats. The chief exception was the UK, where the social democrat Labour Party was displaced by a conventionally conservative coalition.

In contrast to the reported tendency toward increased social cohesion of the 1930s <ref>[ Matthew Bruccoli and Richard Layman (eds): ''1930's Lifestyles and Social Trends: The Red Decade: Solidarity and Individualism in the 1930s.'', 2006] </ref>
within countries, it was a period of strained relations and intensified rivalry  between countries.

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Supplements to this article include an annotated chronology of the main events in the countries affected  ; a discussion of economic theories concerning causes and remedies; and more detailed accounts of developments in the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom and Japan.

The Great Depression was the longest and deepest downturn in economic activity in modern history. It has had a profound influence upon economic theory, the practice of economic management, and social policy.

Following the Crash of 1929, the United States experienced a deep decline in prices and production. Businesses and banks closed, people lost their jobs, homes, and savings; and in the absence of welfare programs, many depended on charity to survive. At its worst, in 1933, U.S. unemployment reached a poverty-inducing 25 per cent of the working population, and in the ensuing recovery, it did not fall below 15 per cent until the beginning of the Second World War.

At about the same time, the German and Canadian economies suffered downturns of comparable severity. The British economy experienced a substantial though comparatively short-lived downturn. The French economy suffered a modest but prolonged decline. In Japan, the downturn was also modest but shorter. Most other industrialized countries and their suppliers experienced downturns in economic activity that caused hardship and political unrest.

Subsequent investigations have attempted to discover the causes for the length and severity of the depression, its global scope, and the effectiveness of various governmental policies. The answers to those problems remain incomplete but there is a limited consensus among economists concerning its principal features and concerning the appropriate policy response to a threat of a comparable downturn.

Supplementary material

The following supplementary material is available:


In the United States, the Great Depression [1] began in 1929, reached its deepest point in 1933 and lasted until 1939. It was accompanied during that period by a stock change crash, a series of banking crises, a credit crunch, and a severe deflation. It resulted in a massive loss of output, persistently high unemployment and widespread deprivation. A similar sequence of events occurred at about the same time in Germany, downturns of differing severity also occurred in many industrialized and commodity-producing currencies, and there was a general collapse in international trade. Some years after its outset there was a general return to previous levels of economic activity, but the economies of the United States and of several other countries did not fully recover until the outbreak of the Second World War.

The resulting hardships had significant political repercussions, including the replacement of existing national governments—notably in Germany—and a deterioration of international relations, but besides causing widespread human suffering, the great depression stimulated major investigations into its causes; gave birth to macroeconomics as a distinct field of study, and the genesis of the rival theories Keynesianism and Monetarism; and led to the systematic collection and publication of economic statistics. It has exerted a major influence upon political beliefs and ideologies and despite continuing controversy, it has generated major changes in the consensus views of economists and politicians. It has also led to international agreements on economic issues, such as that reached at the Bretton Woods Conference, and to the creation of instruments of international cooperation such as the Bank for International Settlements, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the World Trade Organisation.

The development of the depression

A central cause of the Great Depression were the economic consequences of the Treaty of Versailles. The post-World-War-One recovery required a long and difficult period of adaptation for its European participants. After a turbulent post-war period during which there were deep but short-lived recessions on both sides of the Atlantic, there was renewed economic growth in the United States and Europe. The UK and France had incurred huge wartime debts to the United States and Germany was faced with crippling reparations payments. Suspension of war debt repayment was dismissed by the U.S. and the UK and France had few other easy alternatives than squeezing Germany for reparations. When Germany attempted to meet the reparations schedule, beginning in 1922, it's economy collapsed within months and was in technical payment default by January 1923. This collapse precipitated the Ruhr Crisis, a general strike in Germany, and hyperinflation. The U.S. attempted to stabilize the European flow of capital through the Dawes Plan by which the U.S. essentially bailed out the German economy. With the U.S. and European economies now closely tied together, however, the Dawes Plan (and its modification, the Young Plan) guaranteed that any downturn in the U.S. economy would be quickly exported to Europe.[2]

The return to the gold standard in the following decade, after its wartime suspension, had involved further disruption. The United Kingdom rejoined the gold standard in 1925 at an exchange rate that overvalued the pound, and France rejoined it in 1928 at an exchange rate that undervalued the franc. There followed a series of British trade deficits and gold outflows and a series of French trade surpluses and gold inflows. By 1927, the Bank of England's gold reserves were running so low that its governor persuaded the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to lower its discount rate.

The downturns in activity that led to the Great Depression began at the end of the 1920s following restrictionary policies in the United States and in Germany prompted by the wish to restrain stock exchange speculation and by concern about gold outflows. Both downturns were comparatively mild at first, but they became exceptionally severe in both countries following the stock exchange crash of 1929 and the US banking crises of 1931-33. There were depressions of somewhat smaller magnitude in the UK, France and Scandinavia, and the major price reductions that occurred in the international commodity markets led to severe downturns in the commodity-producing economies of Australia and South America.

In the United States, the recovery began in 1933 after the election of a new administration under the Presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the launching of the New Deal. In 1993, the President suspended the gold standard, imposed a brief banking "holiday", sponsored the insurance of bank deposits, and provided the banks with substantial financial assistance. The Federal Reserve system began to expand the monetary base, and there followed a limited and delayed increase in the money supply [3]. Confidence in the banking system returned, but the credit shortage was only very gradually relieved, and small firms continued to experience credit difficulties for several years after 1933. The New Deal also involved a modest fiscal stimulus [4] and introduced a programme of public works known as the New Deal. There was a slow recovery in output, interrupted by a brief downturn in the Recession of 1937, but it although GDP had returned to its long-term trend by the end of 1938 unemployment continued for some time at an above-trend level .

In Germany, the Nazi government under the Chancellorship of Adolf Hitler repudiated all international obligations and adopted a varied programme of reflation and rearmament, which was immediately effective in reducing unemployment and restoring economic growth.

Recovery from the recession began in 1931 in the UK, Scandinavia and Japan [5] following currency devaluations made possible by departures from the gold standard. Recovery did not begin in France until its departure from the gold standard in 1936.


The question of causation

There have been many attempts to establish the cause of the depression and to explain its unprecedented depth and duration - but no definitive explanation has emerged. Because of the complexity of the interactions among the factors that were involved it now seems that any search for a single cause is likely to be confusing and inconclusive. For example, although the popular view that it was initiated by the stock market crash can be shown to be mistaken [6], the crash must be presumed to have contributed to its subsequent severity. Similarly, it can reasonably be presumed that although the 1931 banking panic could not have started the great depression, there is no doubt that it intensified its subsequent severity. In what follows, designation "contributory factor" rather than a "cause" is not intended to suggest that the factor in question is of lesser importance.

Rival Hypotheses

Among rival explanations is the belief that the Great Depression was started by the bursting of a speculative bubble on the New York stock exchange and that it spread abroad from the United States, causing the collapse of a hitherto well-functioning system of international finance. Those beliefs have been challenged by the eminent economists who have studied the evidence. According to Ben Bernanke there is a consensus that the picture of a stock exchange bubble that had been verbally painted by John Kenneth Galbraith and others is mistaken, and that the stock prices did not at that time overstate the value of the issuing companies [7]. Moreover, neither John Maynard Keynes nor Milton Friedman considered the stock exchange crash to have started the downturn, although they both recognised that it must have contributed to its severity. The belief that the depression originated uniquely in the United States has been challenged by Peter Temin, who has identified evidence that it had an independent origin in Germany, and has suggested that it developed jointly from both origins. The belief that the depression put an end to what had been a stable international financial system has been challenged by Charles Kindleberger, who argues that, although the gold standard system had worked well before the first world war, its post-war version had a bias toward deflation that made it inherently unstable. Peter Temin has argued that the belief that the depression had been intensified by economic nationalism should be qualified by the consideration that the "trade war" could not have had much effect upon the United States because international trade had occupied too small a part in its economy; and the belief that trading had been hampered by the competitive devaluation of national currencies has been challenged by Barry Eichengreen on the basis of evidence that it had contributed to world output.

The belief that policy mistakes had contributed to the disaster is generally accepted by economists, but there is disagreement among them concerning the nature of those mistakes, and concerning the economists' beliefs upon which they had been founded. The belief that had been current at the time that economic instability results from government attempts at regulation and that action to counter recessions makes them worse, is not widely accepted nowadays, except by some economists of the Austrian School, and there are few who now believe that maintenance of a balanced budget and adherence to the gold standard are essential for the maintenance of price stability. The principle remaining controversy concerns the roles of fiscal and monetary policy. In their time, Friedrich Hayek had laid the entire blame for the depression upon the Federal Reserve's 1924 monetary expansion, whereas John Maynard Keynes and Milton Friedman had held its 1928 monetary contraction to have been largely responsible. Milton Friedman blamed the Federal Reserve for continuing to restrict the money supply after the depression had started, whereas John Maynard Keynes had warned President Roosevelt against reliance upon expanding the money supply and voiced concern about what he considered to be the President's reluctance to introduce an adequate fiscal expansion.


Among the observable consequences of the Great Depression were personal losses of jobs, savings and homes, and there were reports that in Germany and the United States, in particular, that was accompanied by hunger, ill-health, and even starvation. It must also have had effects upon social attitudes that were not observable, except indirectly in the form of occasional riots and hunger marches. It would be rash to attribute the political upheavals of the 1930s exclusively to the widespread personal hardships that were being suffered at the time, but an association between those developments was certainly evident. Political organisations that offered relief by means of increased social intervention in the conduct of industry and commerce gained power at the expense of the mainly laissez-faire governments of the 1920s. In Germany, Italy and Japan the gains went to totalitarians, in France to social democrats, and in the United States to Roosevelt's New Deal Democrats. The chief exception was the UK, where the social democrat Labour Party was displaced by a conventionally conservative coalition.

In contrast to the reported tendency toward increased social cohesion of the 1930s [8] within countries, it was a period of strained relations and intensified rivalry between countries.


  1. The editors of the British journal The Economist have suggested that the term depression is conventionally applied to a decline in real GDP that exceeds 10%, or one that lasts more than three years. [1]. But The Economist also notes that prior to the Great Depression any economic recession was called a "depression." Economists since 1929 have used the term "recession" "to avoid stirring up nasty memories."
  2. Daniel Costillo: German Economy in the 1920s 2003. Editor's note: Costillo may have made the argument that Germany was attempting to reflate its economy in 1922 which precipitated the German hyperinflation. Someone needs to verify the applicability of Costillo as a source for this paragraph.
  3. See the statistics on the tutorials page of the article on the Great Depression in the United States [2]
  4. The fiscal stimulus is described as modest, because it only amounted to about 3 per cent of gdp [3] in face of a 40 per cent downturn in activity.
  5. Summaries of the recoveries of countries other than the United States are available on the Addendum subpage
  6. Because the economic downturn started before the crash - see the paragraph on the crash on the tutorials subpage
  7. For the evidence supporting the contention that stocks were not overvalued, see the article on the Crash of 1929
  8. Matthew Bruccoli and Richard Layman (eds): 1930's Lifestyles and Social Trends: The Red Decade: Solidarity and Individualism in the 1930s., 2006