Talk:The Headmaster (short story): Difference between revisions

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imported>Larry Sanger
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imported>Hayford Peirce
m (Talk:The Headmaster moved to Talk:The Headmaster (short story): to prevent future confusion when other "headmaster" references and/or articles are created)

Revision as of 11:52, 5 May 2008

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 Definition Spy story by British author Michael Gilbert, published 1962. [d] [e]
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 Workgroup category Literature [Editors asked to check categories]
 Talk Archive none  English language variant American English

I think this should live at The Headmaster (short story). Here is why. If we title the article "The Headmaster," those who are familiar with our conventions will immediately see that the article is not about headmasters in general (unless someone has mistitled the article). But then, we cannot see what it is about, from the title, and this is especially because we can easily anticipate other things, like films, novels, pubs, and so forth, called "The Headmaster." Besides, even if this were the only thing article-worthy that could be called "The Headmaster," it would help both readers and contributors to have the disambiguating phrase within the title itself. --Larry Sanger 10:28, 5 May 2008 (CDT)