Uploads by Pat Palmer

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
11:08, 25 July 2024 Clapham John.jpg (file) 32 KB {{Image_Details |description = Economic historian John H. Clapham |author = From the [https://archives.history.ac.uk/ Institute of Historical Records]] web archive, copyright unknown |copyright = Unknown |source = https://archives.history.ac.uk/makinghistory/historians/images/gallery/Clapham_John.jpg |date-created = |pub-country = UK |notes = |versions = }} 1
11:32, 10 July 2024 Suggestion Bot Documentation.pdf (file) 54 KB {{Image_Details |description = Suggestion Bot Documentation |author = Anthony Messana |copyright = none |source = |date-created = Jul. 2024 |pub-country = USA |notes = |versions = 1.0 }} 1
10:38, 26 March 2024 Obi-do.jpg (file) 77 KB {{Image_Details |description = Nyingbu Wangdue (Jason W. Carter) demonstrates a jujutsu technique in his Ontario studio. |author = Jason Carter |copyright = none |source = Jason Carter |date-created = Unknown |pub-country = Canada |notes = The author, Jason Carter, sent the photo to Citizendium, giving it permission to release to the public domain. |versions = }} 1
07:26, 26 March 2024 Bonny Hicks.jpg (file) 265 KB {{Image_Details |description = Cover of Bonny Hicks' first book |author = |copyright = Unknown |source = Unknown |date-created = |pub-country = |notes = |versions = }} 2
13:04, 12 March 2024 Book cover Venetia.jpg (file) 51 KB {{Image_Details |description = Book cover of Georgette Heyer's novel Venetia, reprinted in 2011. |author = |copyright = unknown |source = Pat Palmer |date-created = 3/12/2024 |pub-country = |notes = |versions = }} 1
12:45, 12 March 2024 Book cover TheQuietGentleman Heyer 1951 HeinemannEd.jpg (file) 105 KB {{Image_Details |description = book cover of the 1951 Heinemann original edition of The Quiet Gentleman by Georgette Heyer |author = |copyright = unknown |source = https://jenniferkloester.com/the-quiet-gentleman-an-unusual-heroine/ |date-created = 3/12/2024 |pub-country = UK |notes = |versions = }} 1
12:33, 9 March 2024 Disambiguation in Citizendium.jpg (file) 37 KB {{Image_Details |description = How disambiguation is done in Citizendium |author = Pat Palmer |copyright = none |source = Pat Palmer |date-created = 3/9/2024 |pub-country = U.S. |notes = Differs from Wikipedia, in that top-level topic points to {{disambig}} page instead of to a specific article |versions = }} 1
08:15, 11 September 2023 Map of Kentucky.jpg (file) 374 KB {{Image_Details |description = Map of Kentucky |author = |copyright = none |source = Open Street Maps |date-created = 9/11/2023 |pub-country = USA |notes = |versions = }} 1
13:41, 21 April 2023 Smarthome categories on Amazon.jpg (file) 298 KB {{Image_Details |description = A screenshot of a portion of Amazon's web page showing smart home categories |author = Pat Palmer |copyright = none |source = my screenshot |date-created = 4/21/2023 |pub-country = USA |notes = |versions = }} 1
13:03, 21 April 2023 IRobot Roomba i7+.jpg (file) 845 KB {{Image_Details |description = iRobot Roomba i7+ robotic vacuum cleaner |author = Pat Palmer |copyright = none |source = my photo |date-created = 4/21/2023 |pub-country = USA |notes = screenshot of the iRobot app (L), the vacuum at its tower/docking station (upper R), the vacuum with annoying lights taped over (middle R), and the vacuum flipped over to remove part (lower R) |versions = }} 1
12:29, 21 April 2023 Nest Learning Thermostat.jpg (file) 896 KB {{Image_Details |description = Nest Learning Thermostat |author = Pat Palmer |copyright = none |source = my photo |date-created = 4/21/2023 |pub-country = USA |notes = Left: Nest app, Upper right: Thermostat with someone standing in front of it, Lower right: Nest sensor on wall of a different room |versions = }} 1
08:26, 8 April 2023 Dreamweavers Dilemma cover by Bob Eggleton 1995.jpg (file) 1.77 MB {{Image_Details |description = Cover of Dreamweaver's Dilemma, 1995 book |author = |copyright = Bob Eggleton, cover artist |source = photo of book cover taken by Pat Palmer |date-created = Copyright 1995 by Bob Eggleton |pub-country = USA |notes = |versions = }} 1
12:02, 19 March 2023 Rand-mcnally-and-cos-new-jersey-35822d-1024.jpg (file) 118 KB {{Image_Details |description = |author = Rand McNally |copyright = none |source = https://jenikirbyhistory.getarchive.net/amp/media/rand-mcnally-and-cos-new-jersey-35822d |date-created = unknown |pub-country = USA |notes = Public domain image of the vintage map from NYPL Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division, free to use, no copyright restrictions image. The Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division is one of the world’s premier map collections in terms... 1
08:59, 11 March 2023 Us-rep-liz-cheney-meets-with-1st-lt-chris-rosso-b8f9cb-1024.jpg (file) 43 KB {{Image_Details |description = U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney meets with 1st Lt. Chris Rosso and 2nd Lt. Joel Pelletier, a 319th Missile Squadron missile combat crew, in a launch control center on the F.E. Warren Air Force Base missile complex, Feb. 10, 2017. Rosso briefed Cheney on typical missileer duties as part of Cheney’s familiarization tour of the 90th Missile Wing mission. |author = U.S. Air Force photo by Lan Kim |copyright = Public domain (with caveats) |source = https://garys... 1
14:52, 22 February 2023 Moosewood cookbooks.jpg (file) 24 KB {{Image_Details |description = Three early Moosewood cookbooks by Molly Katzen |author = |copyright = none |source = Pat Palmer |date-created = 2023 |pub-country = USA |notes = |versions = }} 1
16:45, 7 February 2023 Barden from pagescan.jpg (file) 40 KB {{Image_Details |description = Photograph of Judy Barden and David Nichol in Berlin in the late 1940's, from p26 of the "Dateline: GERMANY" article in the 1950 "Information Bulletin", a newsletter |author = unknown |copyright = unknown |source = https://images.library.wisc.edu/History/EFacs/GerRecon/omg1950March/reference/history.omg1950march.i0011.pdf |date-created = circa 1950 |pub-country = USA |notes = this is cropped from a screenshot of the article "Dateline: Ge... 1
12:12, 27 January 2023 Bill and ted test.jpg (file) 77 KB {{Image_Details |description = the tweet that established the "Bill and Ted test" for period costumes |author = Hilary Davidson, tweeting as "The Bill and Ted Test" |copyright = unknown |source = Twitter screenshot |date-created = 1/27/2023 |pub-country = USA |notes = Pat Palmer took this screenshot, since the Twitter widget is periodically not working these days |versions = }} 1
15:41, 21 January 2023 9924004653 ea0c551356 k.jpg (file) 549 KB {{Image_Details |description = Walt Whitman bridge and ... a lot of birds... |author = Flickr user pontla |copyright = |source = https://www.flickr.com/photos/91300281@N05/9924004653 |date-created = September 22, 2013 |pub-country = US |notes = Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) |versions = }} 1
17:18, 10 January 2023 Georgette-Heyer.jpg (file) 61 KB {{Image_Details |description = Georgette Heyer in 1939 |author = photo by Howard Coster |copyright = National Portrait Gallery, London |source = https://www.npg.org.uk/collections/search/use-this-image/?mkey=mw46505 |date-created = 1939 |pub-country = UK |notes = see source for usage requirements; cannot be re-used without appropriate attribution |versions = }} 1
13:30, 9 January 2023 Gentle.jpg (file) 29 KB == Summary == {{Non-free use rationale |Article = The Quiet Gentleman |Description = 1st edition |Source = http://www.colby.edu/personal/l/leosborn/heyer/ |Portion = front cover |Low_resolution = yes |Purpose = to illustrate an article concerning the book in question |Replaceability = no |other_information = }} == Licensing == {{Fairuse}} 1
12:55, 7 January 2023 Ukcc.jpg (file) 38 KB == Summary == {{Non-free use rationale |Article = A Civil Contract |Description = 1st edition |Source = http://www.colby.edu/personal/l/leosborn/heyer/ |Portion = front cover |Low_resolution = yes |Purpose = to illustrate an article concerning the book in question |Replaceability = no |other_information = }} == Licensing == {{fairuse}} 1
11:08, 7 January 2023 Usfred.jpg (file) 30 KB == Summary == {{Non-free use rationale |Article = Frederica (novel) |Description = 1st edition |Source = http://www.colby.edu/personal/l/leosborn/heyer/ |Portion = front cover |Low_resolution = yes |Purpose = to illustrate an article concerning the book in question |Replaceability = no |other_information = }} == Licensing == {{fairuse}} 1
11:19, 26 December 2022 8186995833 74c67b06ec k.jpg (file) 1.11 MB == Summary == {{Image_Details |description = Henry County Confederate Monument |author = Brent Moore |copyright = Brent Moore |source = https://www.flickr.com/photos/brent_nashville/8186995833 |date-created = Oct. 7, 2011 |pub-country = |notes = This monment is located in front of the Henry County Courthouse on the town square of Paris, TN. Compared to most Confederate statues I've seen, this one looks well worn after being exposed to the elements for so long. (I suppose that might make it a... 1
12:49, 15 September 2022 Mitoku oils vinegars.jpg (file) 100 KB {{Image_Details |description = Organic oils and vinegars imported by Mitoku are made by traditional methods. |author = Pat Palmer |copyright = none |source = Pat Palmer |date-created = 9-15-2022 |pub-country = USA |notes = |versions = }} 1
13:10, 13 September 2022 Long steamed root vegetables.jpg (file) 1.08 MB {{Image_Details |description = Nishime dish: long-steamed root vegetables |author = Pat Palmer |copyright = none |source = Pat Palmer |date-created = 1-20-2017 |pub-country = USA |notes = Nishime is a long-steaming cooking technique from Japanese cooking. It is typically used for root vegetables in winter. It requires a heavy pot with a tight-fitting lid. Start with 1/2 inch water in the bottom, and pack in quartered onions on the bottom. Later in large chunks of o... 1
13:01, 12 September 2022 Henry county.jpg (file) 224 KB {{Image_Details |description = map of Henry County, TN |author = Tennessee Department of Transportation |copyright = none |source = |date-created = |pub-country = |notes = |versions = }} 1
09:17, 11 September 2022 Capitol theater.jpg (file) 128 KB {{Image_Details |description = The old Capitol Theater, 111 S. Poplar St., Paris, TN 38242. |author = User "edalch" on https://cinematreasures.org/ |copyright = Public Domain |source = http://cinematreasures.org/theaters/14475/photos/93675 |date-created = estimated 1960's; uploaded 1-27-2014 |pub-country = USA |notes = Opened as the Dixie Theatre, it was renamed Capitol Theatre in the early-1930’s. It was closed around 1970. The contributor of this photo left this c... 1
09:30, 1 September 2022 Tobacco bright leaf.jpg (file) 1.06 MB {{Image_Details |description = Bright leaf tobacco being grown in 2020 near the Red Fox Farm, about two miles north of Skipwith, VA. |author = David Hoffman |copyright = Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Umported license |source = https://www.flickr.com/photos/universalpops/50254690226 |date-created = 8/20/2022 |pub-country = USA |notes = |versions = }} 1
06:09, 26 August 2022 303d.png (file) 109 KB {{Image_Details |description = The Water Quality Based Approach to the Clean Water Act |author = US EPA |copyright = Public domain |source = https://www.epa.gov/tmdl/water-quality-based-approach-clean-water-act |date-created = |pub-country = |notes = |versions = }} 1
22:37, 27 May 2022 SMR temperature.png (file) 1.09 MB   1
10:08, 14 May 2022 Big and little dipper.jpg (file) 177 KB   2
09:08, 28 March 2022 Subpages display.jpg (file) 56 KB   1
11:39, 18 March 2022 SaraMoonvesWMagazine.jpg (file) 21 KB Sara Moonves as depicted on NYU news item at https://gallatin.nyu.edu/news/2019/10/Moonves-Editor-in-Chief.html I am currently researching the copyright status of this image.~~~~ 1