CZ:(U00984) Appetite and Obesity, University of Edinburgh 2009
==Instructors==: Prof Gareth Leng, Dr Celine Caquineau (contact details)
About the ‘Appetite and Obesity’ course:
‘Appetite and Obesity’ is an elective course from the Honours Medical biology programme in the School of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Edinburgh, UK. The overall theme of the course is the study of the body homeostasis and the epidemiology of obesity with a focus on understanding current trends in obesity research.
Project description:
The project is to write an article on a chosen topic related to obesity research working in groups of max 4. At the end of the course, articles will released on Citizendium, until then articles will be locked from editing by other citizens.
Project schedule and deadlines:
Week 1: tutorial 1
By the end of week 2: Article topics and titles selected, students groups formed
By the end of week 6: November 09: Rough draft due, peer reviews due
22.11.09: Final draft due, peer reviews due
Week 10-11: tutorial 2 Feedback session
Week 11: Articles released on Citizendium
Articles topics:
Suggested topics and titles will be listed here at the end of tutorial 1 (date)