< User talk:Paul WormerRevision as of 22:07, 9 April 2009 by imported>Paul Wormer
Given are two unnormalized, non-parallel vectors, the rotation axis n and the vector r to be rotated.
Decompose r into two orthogonal components:

Clearly, n and x are orthogonal. Define further y as a cross product, a vector orthogonal to the plane containing n, r, and x,

As is well-known the cross product can be written as a matrix-vector product

The matrix N has as general element

where εαβγ is the antisymmetric Levi-Civita tensor.
For further use we compute normalization constants of x and y,

and divide the two

When we rotate r over an angle φ around n, the component of r along n is unchanged, while the component x of r perpendicular to n becomes x′

Hence the rotated vector r′ is

We may introduce the dyadic product of the vector n with itself, which has the form of a 3 × 3 symmetric matrix, and write

![{\displaystyle \mathbf {r} '=\left[\cos \phi \;\mathbf {E} +{\frac {(1-\cos \phi )}{n^{2}}}\;{\big (}\mathbf {n} \otimes \mathbf {n} {\big )}+{\frac {1}{n}}\sin \phi \;\mathbf {N} \right]\mathbf {r} ,}](https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/media/math/render/svg/f4327fbae77df335801e79619cf265e58a59c35a)
where E is the identity matrix. The quantity between square brackets is the matrix R that rotates r around n over an angle φ. This equation is very well-known and was first derived by Leonhard Euler [check].
A general element of R is

where the unit vector is