Discount rate/Tutorials
The present value of future costs and benefits
The present value V of a cost (or benefit) occuring after an interval of t years at a dicount rate of r is given by:
The net present expected value of a future cost (or benefit) that has z possible values is given by calculating the value of in the above equation as:
where is the probability of occurrence of the value
The present value of a series of annual costs and benefits, ocurring after annual intervals 0 to n is given by:
- .
The social time preference rate
The social time preference rate, s, is given by:-
- s = δ + ηg
- δ is the pure time preference rate (otherwise known as the utility discount rate);
- η is the elasticity of marginal utility with respect to consumption; and,
- g is the expected future growth rate of consumption.
Evidence based upon the structure of personal income tax rates in OECD countries suggests that the value of η for most developed countries is close to 1.4 [1].
Estimates for the United Kingdom have ranged from 0.7 t0 1.5.
The UK Treasury Green Book uses
- δ = 1.5%, η = 1.0, g = 2%, yielding s = 3.5%
The Stern review uses
- δ = 0.1%, η = 1.0, g = 2%, yielding s = 2.1%
The intergeneration transfer controversy
Sir Partha Dasgupta objected to the review's choice of eta on the grounds that it placed insufficient weight upon the comparative prosperity of current and future generations [3]. Professor William Nordhaus also challenged the review's choice of eta and objected also to its arbitrary insistence on a zero pure rate of time preference. [4]
- ↑ David Evans: "The Elasticity of Marginal Utility of Consumption: Estimates for 20 OECD Countries", Fiscal Studies 2005
- ↑ David Pearce and David Ulph: A Social Time Discount Rate for the United Kingdom, GSERGE Working Paper No GEC95.01, 1995
- ↑ Sir Partha Dasgupta: Comments on The Stern Review’s Economics of Climate Change, November 2006
- ↑ William Nordhaus: The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change, May 2007