
Imhotep, a name meaning "the one who comes in peace," was the Egyptian architect, alive during the years 2650-2600 B.C, responsible for the first pyramid, a building that would later become an icon for the Land of the Pharaohs. Though he is remembered mainly for his work on King Djoser's, the second king of the Third Dynasty, burial place he is also credited as being the first recorded polymath. His main interest's were in engineering, philosophy, poetry, architecture and medicine.
As well as being one, if not the, most intelligent person in Egypt he was Chancellor to the Pharaoh and was also High Priest to Ptah and was so revered he late become identified as a god of medicine and the Greeks identified him with their god of medicine Asclepius.
He was the chief architect of the king's pyramid, known now as the Step Pyramid because it was really a series of mastabas on top of each other, each one being smaller then the one that preceded it. This pyramid was built at Saqqara - a large flat area that served as a necropolis to the Egyptian royalty and nobles.
The Edmin Smith Papyrus is considered to be Imhotep's work. It describes in detail 48 injuries and 90 anatomical terms, he is also believed to have founded a school of medicine in Memphis which is where his cult had its centre. Sir William Osler describes how Imhotep knew the cures and operations necessary to cure diseases such as arthritis, gall stones and appendicitis - as well as this he also knew about the circulation of blood, something that wasn't rediscovered till the Renaissance by William Harvey.
Becoming A Deity
Originally he was only raised to the position of a demigod, though sometime afterwards he was recognized as a full god. he become known as the "Son of Ptah," though has been identified with other gods, such as Thoth. Imhotep was one of two mortals to reach the position of full god in Egypt, the other being Amenhotep.