
Champagne is a sparkling wine produced in the French region of the same name. Generally a luxury item, its consumption is generally associated with festivities and celebrations. While other similar wines are produced throughout the world, such as Asti Spumante in Italy, they may only be called Champagne if they are produced in this particular region of France. The European Union has officially given Champagne "protected designation of origin" status (PDO), which restricts the use of its name within Europe. Correct spelling of the word in English is with a capital C.
Champagne is typically made as a white wine, but can also be rose. The bubbles are formed by the yeast, which makes carbon dioxide as a by product of the fermentation. If stored in wooden barrels, the gas naturally escapes. However, Champagne is bottled before the fermentation process has completely used all the sugar in the wine (taking advantage of a slowing of fermentation during the cold winter months to perform the bottling). The second stage of fermentation occurs inside the bottle, which does not allow the gas to escape, crating a sparkling wine. The pressures caused by the production of the gas means that the wine must be stored in specially designed, high strength bottles. These distinctively shaped bottles are stoppered with over-sized corks, allowing the bottle to be opened by hand without use of a cork screw. A wire cage is placed over the cork and tightened to the bottle neck to secure the cork. The top of the bottle is then usually covered with foil.

Some care is required when opening a bottle of champagne. The high pressure within the bottle can cause the cork to fly out at high speed. Deaths have been recorded as a result of such free flying corks. The correct way to open a bottle is to remove the wire cage first. The with the top of the cork firmly grasped in the palm of your hand, and the bottle pointing well away form anyone, twist the cork within the bottle neck. The pressure inside the bottle will push the now loosened cork out and your firm grip with prevent the cork becoming a lethal projectile bouncing off the walls and ceiling. Care should be taken not to shake the bottle prior to opening. If a bottle is accidentally shaken, it should be left to settle for some time before uncorking. If a foam spray is desired, this can be achieved by shaking the bottle after it has been uncorked, not before.
Wine has been produced in the Champagne region of France since before there was a France. The first King of France was anointed with wine from the Champagne region on the Christmas night of 496. However, it was not until near the end of the 17th century that the wine got it's sparkle. It was at this time that at this time that bottling wine came into fashion. The advanced technology required to produce the high strength bottles was a English invention. This has lead some people to suggest that it was the English, and not the French, who originally produced champagne style wines. However, this claim is disputed.