
Creolistics is the study of both creoles and the pidgin languages from which creoles develop. Although the study of these contact languages is most often associated with linguistics, particularly language acquisition and sociolinguistics, it has expanded into related fields such as anthropology, sociology, history and literary studies, because the creation of a creole language invariably involves cross-cultural contact.[1] Researchers who study creole phenomena may be known as creolists.
Creolistics has provided some revealing and controversial insights into language evolution, acquisition and use, though disagreements exist over what languages or varieties can be labelled a 'creole' or a 'pidgin', and debate continues over the nature of creolisation: the role of the 'simplification' or 'simplicity' of creole and pidgin languages, especially with regards to their syntax; the 'life cycle' of pidgins and creoles (e.g. 'Is a pidgin a necessary prerequisite for a creole to form?' 'Does creole genesis usually lead to a post-creole continuum, in which varieties differ relative to the broadest forms of the creole and the language(s) from which most vocabulary is derived?'); and the origin of grammatical structures in creoles which are absent in any preceding pidgin.[2]
The third of the above controversies is particularly contentious. For example, the language bioprogram hypothesis (LBH)[3] of Derek Bickerton claims that creole genesis supports ideas about the nature of language associated with Noam Chomsky; as creole grammars are remarkably similar across the world,[4] this reflects the existence of an innate faculty for language. Bickerton does, however, go further than most creolists in explaining creole genesis as being largely biologically-based, and the LBH has been strongly critiqued.[5] Other controversial theories, such as relexification,[6] form part of current enquiry but as yet there is no widely-accepted account of creole genesis that satisfactorily explains most of the data.