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=Works by Walter Lippmann= | =Works by Walter Lippmann= |
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Works by Walter Lippmann
Lippmann, W. (1914). Drift and mastery : an attempt to diagnose the current unrest. New York: M. Kennerley.
Lippmann, W. (1915). The stakes of diplomacy. New York: H. Holt and company.
Lippmann, W. (1917). The stakes of diplomacy (2d ed. ed.). New York: H. Holt.
Lippmann, W. (1917). The world conflict in its relation to American democracy. [Philadelphia.
Lippmann, W. (1917). The world conflict in its relation to American democracy: an address reprinted from the July, 1917, number of the Annals of the American academy of political and social science. Washington: Govt. print., off.
Lippmann, W. (1919). The political scene; an essay on the victory of 1918. New York: H. Holt and Company.
Lippmann, W. (1922). Public opinion. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company.
Lippmann, W. (1923). Mr. Kann would like to know. [n.p.].
Lippmann, W. (1925). The phantom public. New York: Harcourt, Brace.
Lippmann, W. (1928). American inquisitors; a commentary on Dayton and Chicago. New York: The Macmillan company.
Lippmann, W. (1929). A preface to morals. New York: The Macmillan company.
Lippmann, W. (1931). Notes on the crisis. New York: The John Day company.
Lippmann, W., Scroggs, W. O., & Shepardson, W. H. (1931). The United States in world affairs. New York: Published for the Council on Foreign Relations by Harper & Brothers.
Lippmann, W. (1932). Poverty and plenty : an address delivered before 4,500 delegates to the National Conference of Social Work, Philadelphia, May 20th, 1932. New York: Press of the Woolly Whale.
Lippmann, W. (1933). A new social order. New York: The John Day Co.
Lippmann, W. (1934). A preface to morals. New York: The Macmillan company.
Lippmann, W., & Cole, G. D. H. (1934). Self-sufficiency: some random reflections (International conciliation, no. 299). Worcester, Mass., New York: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Division of Intercourse and Education.
Lippmann, W. (1935). The new imperative. New York: The Macmillan Company.
Lippmann, W., & Nevins, A. (1936). A modern reader; essays on present-day life and culture. Boston, New York [etc.]: D. C. Heath and company.
Lippmann, W. (1937). The Supreme court, independent or controlled. New York and London: Harper & brothers.
Lippmann, W. (1940). Some notes on war and peace. New York: The Macmillan Company.
Lippmann, W. (1943). U. S. foreign policy: shield of the republic. Boston: Little, Brown and company.
Lippmann, W. (1943). U.S. foreign policy: shield of the republic. Boston: Little, Brown and company.
Lippmann, W. (1944). Die Ausenpolitik der Vereinigten Staaten. Zürich: Schweizer Spiegel Verlag.
Lippmann, W., & Géraud, A. (1944). La politique étrangère des États-Unis. New York, N.Y.: Éditions de la Maison française, inc.
Lippmann, W., & Oklander, E., [from old catalog. (1944). La política exterior de los EE. UU. Buenos Aires: Editorial Abril.
Lippmann, W. (1944). U.S. war aims (1st ed.). Boston: Little, Brown and Company.
Lippmann, W. (1944). U.S. war aims. London: H. Hamilton.
Lippmann, W. (1945). Amerika en internationale samenwerking. New York: Uitgave Transatlantic.
Lippmann, W. (1945). La cité libre. Paris: Librairie de Médicis.
Lippmann, W., & Géraud, A. (1945). La politique étrangère des États-Unis. Paris: Éditions des Deux-rives.
Lippmann, W., & Paschoal, I. [. O. C. (1945). Objetivos de guerra dos Estados Unidos. (Coleção Documentos contemporâneos, 7). Rio de Janeiro: “Seção de Livros” da Emprêsa Gráfica “O Cruzeiro,”.
Lippmann, W. (1945). U. S. foreign policy: shield of republic. New York.
Lippmann, W. (1946). Gli scopi di guerra degli Stati Uniti. [Roma]: Einaudi.
Lippmann, W. (1946). La politica estera degli Stati Uniti. Roma: Einaudi.
Lippmann, W. (1946). Public opinion. New York: Penguin books.
Lippmann, W. (1946). Vrijheid ondanks ordening. Amsterdam: J. H. de Bussy.
Lippmann, W. (1947). Public opinion. New York: Macmillan Co.
Lippmann, W. (1947). The cold war. London: H. Hamilton.
Lippmann, W. (1947). The cold war, a study in U.S. foreign policy. New York: Harper.
Lippmann, W. (1950). Commentaries on American Far Eastern policy. New York: American Institute of Pacific Relations.
Lippmann, W. (1952). Public opinion and foreign policy in the United States. [Lectures]. London: Allen and Unwin.
Lippmann, W. (1957). America in the world today. [Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Lippmann, W. (1959). The Communist world and ours. ([1st ed.] ed.). Boston: Little, Brown.
Lippmann, W. (1960). A preface to morals. Boston: Beacon Press.
Lippmann, W., & Little, C. C. (1960). Speeches of Walter Lippmann and Clarence C. Little, fiftieth reunion dinner, June 15, 1960. [Cambridge.
Lippmann, W. (1960). The university and the human condition. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions.
Lippmann, W. (1960). Walter Lippmann on leadership [Motion picture]. [n.p.]: CBS News.
Lippmann, W. (1961). The coming tests with Russia. ([1st ed.] ed.). Boston: Little, Brown.
Lippmann, W. (1961). Walter Lippmann, 1961 [Motion picture]. [n.p.]: CBS News.
Lippmann, W. (1962). A preface to politics. [Ann Arbor]: University of Michigan Press.
Lippmann, W. (1962). Western unity and the Common Market. ([1st ed.] ed.). Boston: Little, Brown.
Lippmann, W. (1963). Walter Lippmann 1963 [Motion picture]. [n.p.]: CBS News.
Lippmann, W. (1964). Walter Lippmann 1964 [Motion picture]. [n.p.]: CBS News.
Lippmann, W. (1965). Conversations with Walter Lippmann. Boston: Little, Brown.
Lippmann, W. (1965). Walter Lippmann 1965. [n.p.]: CBS News.
Lippmann, W. (1972). The cold war; a study in U.S. foreign policy. New York: Harper & Row.
Lippmann, W. (1972). U.S. foreign policy: shield of the republic. [New York: Johnson Reprint Corp.
Lippmann, W. (1976). Public persons (1st ed. ed.). New York: Liveright.
Lippmann, W. (1976). U.S. war aims. New York: Da Capo Press.
Lippmann, W. (1982). A preface to morals (Social science classics series). New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Books.
Lippmann, W., & Blum, J. M. (1985). Public philosopher : selected letters of Walter Lippmann. New York: Ticknor & Fields.
Lippmann, W. (1989). The public philosophy. New Brunswick, U.S.A.: Transaction Publishers.
Lippmann, W. (1991). Public opinion. New Brunswick, N.J., U.S.A.: Transaction Publishers.
Lippmann, W. (1993). American inquisitors. New Brunswick, U.S.A.: Transaction Publishers.
Lippmann, W. (1993). The phantom public (The Library of conservative thought). New Brunswick, N.J., U.S.A.: Transaction Publishers.
Lippmann, W. (1997). Public opinion. New York: Free Press Paperbacks.
Lippmann, W. (1997). Public opinion. New Brunswick, N.J., U.S.A.: Transaction Publishers.
Lippmann, W. (2004). Public opinion. Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications.
Lippmann, W. (2005). A preface to politics (Great minds series). Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books. Retrieved from
Lippmann, W. (2008). The stakes of diplomacy. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers.
Lippmann, W. (2010). Public persons. New Brunswick [N.J.]: Transaction Publishers.
Lippmann, W., Leuchtenburg, W. E., & Sitaraman, G. (2015). Drift and mastery : an attempt to diagnose the current unrest. Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press.
Works About Walter Lippmann
Adams, L. L. (1977). Walter Lippmann. Boston: Twayne Publishers.
Avlon, J. P., Angelo, J., & Louis, E. (2011). Deadline artists: America’s greatest newspaper columns (1st ed. ed.). New York, NY: Overlook Press.
Blum, D. S. (1984). Walter Lippmann, cosmopolitanism in the century of total war. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Cary, F. (1967). The influence of war on Walter Lippmann, 1914-1944. Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin for the Dept. of History, University of Wisconsin.
Childs, M. W., & Reston, J. (1959). Walter Lippmann and his times ([1st ed.] ed.). New York: Harcourt, Brace.
Childs, M. W., Lippmann, W., & Reston, J. (1968). Walter Lippmann and his times. Freeport, N.Y.: Books for Libraries Press.
Dam, H. N. (1973). The intellectual odyssey of Walter Lippmann; a study of his protean thought, 1910-1960. New York: Gordon Press.
Giles, W. I. (1945). The contribution of Walter Lippmann to American political thought.
Goodwin, C. D. W. (2014). Walter Lippmann: public economist. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Retrieved from
Gripsrud, J., & Eide, M. (2010). The idea of the public sphere: a reader. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books.
Hirschfeld, A. (1942). Walter Lippmann.
Jansen, S. C. (2012). Walter Lippmann: a critical introduction to media and communication theory. New York: Peter Lang.
LaRouche, L. H. (1977). The case of Walter Lippmann: a presidential strategy. New York: Campaigner Publications.
Lasswell, H. D. (1941). Books and the news.
Lozito, V. (2008). By Walter Lippmann: opinione pubblica, politica estera e democrazia (1. ed. ed.). Roma: Aracne.
McCarter, J. (2017). Young radicals: in the war for American ideals (First edition. ed.). New York: Random House.
Park, D. W., & Pooley, J. (2008). The history of media and communication research: contested memories. New York: Peter Lang.
Regalzi, F. (2010). Walter Lippmann: una biografia intellettuale. Savigliano: N. Aragno.
Reinhoudt, J. (2017). The Walter Lippmann colloquium: the birth of neo-liberalism (1st edition. ed.). New York, NY: Nature America Inc.
Riccio, B. D. (1994). Walter Lippmann: odyssey of a liberal. New Brunswick [N.J.]: Transaction.
Schapsmeier, E. L., & Schapsmeier, F. H. (1969). Walter Lippmann: philosopher-journalist. Washington: Public Affairs Press.
Schlaack, S. (2004). Walter Lippmann und Deutschland: realpolitische Betrachtungen im 20. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt am Main; New York: Lang.
Sleat, M. (2018). Politics recovered: realist thought in theory and practice. New York: Columbia University Press.
Steel, R. (1980). Walter Lippmann and the American century (1st ed. ed.). Boston: Little, Brown.
Steel, R. (1998). Walter Lippmann and the American century. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction.
Vachon, J. (1961). Walter Lippmann.
Weingast, D. E. (1949). Walter Lippmann, a study in personal journalism. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers Univ. Press.
Weingast, D. E. (1949). Walter Lippmann, a study in personal journalism. New Brunswick: Rutgers University press.
Weingast, D. E. (1970). Walter Lippmann; a study in personal journalism. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
Wellborn, C. (1969). Twentieth century pilgrimage: Walter Lippmann and the public philosophy. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press.
Wright, B. F. (1973). 5 public philosophies of Walter Lippmann. Austin: University of Texas Press. Retrieved from