Witch King (novel)

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Witch King is a 2023 novel by Martha Wells, in which the two protagonists are a demon (able to possess bodies) and a witch (able to converse with the elemental world). As the story opens, their enemies have kept them immobilized for several years, but inevitably, someone makes a mistake. The protagonists break out to find that a friend is imprisoned, and the friend's wife missing. They embark on a mission to free the friend, find his wife, and root out the conspiracy that had laid them all low.

Reviewer Alal El-Mohtar wrote, "Wells is working at the height of her powers here, and it’s relaxing to be carried along for a ride in the company of such a phenomenal storyteller."[1]


  1. The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy by Amal El-Mohtar in the New York Times Book Review, p. 21, 12-4-2023.