User:Michael J. Formica/Archive

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

Greetings. I am an educator, researcher and clinician in the field of behavioral science. I have made some apparently notable contributions to the areas of child development and motivational behavior, intelligent media design, and cognitive science. In addition, I have somehow managed to establish myself, if not as an authority, at least as an acknowledged voice in the areas of Borderline Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, and Complex Post-Traumatic Stress.

I am currently the Principal Therapist for New England Counseling Associates and Therapist in Residence for the Mental Health Sanctuary, a non-profit mental health resource and educational organization. My professional experience also includes faculty positions at a number of colleges and universities, program consultation to school districts in both Connecticut and New York, and advisory positions with the American Psychological Association, the National Science Foundation, and the Smithsonian Institute.

As Director of Clinical Services at Boys and Girls Village Day School in Milford Connecticut from 1998-2001, I helped develop a multi-tiered clinical program that was an integral part of a larger therapeutic educational program formally cited by the Connecticut Board of Education as “what should be a model for alternative educational programs throughout the state”.

I hold 3 advanced degrees in Psychology, as well as degrees in Theology and Philosophy, and have also been awarded Diplomate standing in the fields of both Forensic Psychology and Sports Psychology.

On a considerably less pretentious note, I have been a devoted teacher and practitioner of Yoga for almost 20 years, and have practiced traditional Japanese and Chinese martial arts for more than 30 years.