User:Igor Palmer

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

I was born in the former USSR. The first 7 years of my life I languished in a semi orphanage (an institution where the "confiscated" children of political and religious dissidents were kept for children’s behavioral re-alignment and re-shaping of their minds in line with the Communist ideology.) At age 8 I was released into the custody of my parents. At age 16 I migrated to Hungary. After some college studies and military service I managed to cross into West Berlin. Three months later and after running out of the little money I had, I could not remain in West Berlin. With the help of a radical student I was smuggled from West Berlin through East Germany into West Germany, were I sought political asylum. After a couple of years in West Germany and without any real prospect of succeeding there, I applied to immigrate to Australia. In February of 1986 I landed in Sydney and have lived in Australia since. Australia is my home country and I love it dearly. Here I met my wife and completed my post graduate studies.

I hold a Graduate Certificate in Internet Studies (High Credit) and a post graduate degree of Master of Internet Studies (graduated with Distinction) – Major in Internet Policy and Practices; both qualifications from Curtin University of Technology – Australia, Perth.

Recently I established my own consulting firm - KDR Lab- consulting in the fields of Knowledge Diffusion, Business Intelligence and the Internet. My research interests span spheres of:

  • Cognitive Dexterity
  • Knowledge Diffusion
  • Information & Knowledge Continuum Modeling