User:CZ Elections October 2011

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

Special Elections and Referenda October 2011

Notice to all Citizens

As there are currently two vacancies arising on the Management Council and one vacancy on the Editorial Council, the Management Council has called a Special Election, as per the rules of the Citizendium Charter to fill those vacancies.

All Citizens in good standing are eligible to vote in these elections, and in the Referendum on amending the Charter.

Vacancies being filled

The specially elected officers will complete the terms of office of the members who vacated their particular seat as specified by the Management Council.

The seats to be filled by this election include the seats on the Management Council vacated by:

The seat to be filled by this election is the seat on the Editorial council vacated by:


In addition to the elections to fill the above Council vacancies, a referendum will also be held. The wording is:

1. Modify the charter so the introductory clause of Article 30 reads, "Elections and referenda shall be organized by the Management Council and carried out by the Election Committee, with the following conditions:"

Discussion on this referendum may be found on the CZ forum, here.


The timetable for the elections and referendum is as follows:

Begin accepting nominations and referenda on September 10, 2011 [Completed];
Stop accepting nominations and referenda at the end of September 24, 2011 [Completed];
Have the ballot prepared by October 1, 2011 [Completed];
Begin accepting ballots from eligible voters on October 1, 2011 (at midnight UTC);
Stop accepting ballots at the end of October 7, 2011 (at midnight UTC).

Candidates for the Management Council

The candidates for the two Management Council vacancies, together with their statements, are listed in the following table in alphabetical order:

Name of candidate Acceptance of nomination
John R. Brews accept John R. Brews 18:09, 24 September 2011 (UTC) Statement
Derek Hodges accept Derek Hodges 15:20, 16 September 2011 (UTC) Statement

As there are two vacancies on the Management Council and two candidates, the candidate receiving the most votes will serve out the term being vacated by David Volk, which expires on 1st July 2013; the other candidate will serve out the term being vacated by Milton Beychok, which expires on 1st July 2012.

Candidate for the Editorial Council

There is one candidate for the Editorial Council:

Name of candidate Acceptance of nomination
Nick Gardner accept Nick Gardner 08:42, 15 September 2011 (UTC) Statement

As there is only one candidate for this vacancy, this election will take the form of an approval vote.


Polling begins on October 1, 2011 (at midnight UTC) and ends at October 7, 2011 (at midnight UTC).

Voting instructions

First, make sure you are logged in to Citizendium, then:

  1. Copy the text of the "Ballot paper" from the next section.
  2. On the menu on the far left of this page, under Toolbox, you will see a menu item, E-mail this user. Click on that link.
  3. This will take you to a page where you can enter the text of your email.
  4. Paste in the text of the "Ballot paper" that you previously copied.
  5. Under the heading Referendum, type "Yes" if you wish to vote in favour of the referendum, or type "No" if you wish to vote against the referendum. (You may also abstain by not filling in anything in this section).
  6. Under the heading Management Council, type the name of your preferred candidate. (You may also abstain by not filling in anything in this section).
  7. Under the heading Editorial Council, type "Yes" if you approve of Nick Gardner being appointed to the Editorial Council, or type "No" if you do not approve. (You may also abstain by not filling in anything in this section).
  8. Click on the Send button.

That's it - you've just cast your ballot. Thank you for participating!

Ballot paper


Management Council

Editorial Council