User:Audrius Meskauskas

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

Meskauskas Audrius Summary

I started my carrier as a programming researcher and have scientific articles. In the past, my two largest projects were distributed computing with advanced 3D data structures (reprinted in Nature, done in Manchester university) and advanced data processing flows systems (in Bioinformatics, done in Ulm university). I also have around 100 000 code lines of documented contribution to the Linux (mostly implementing CORBA specification for GNU Classpath). I have a doctoral degree in general biology.

In 2006 I have joined a research oriented company 'Spectraseis' that, while belonging to oil industry, needed a broad view specialists to develop new software. The tasks were so unusual and challenging that specialists from various relevant areas (in my case from bioinformatics) were invited to make sure the company is not stuck with the traditional oil industry software approaches that cannot solve its challenging tasks. I have progressed reasonably well here, and since 2009 am an official leader of the team.

List of publications

  • Moore D, Meškauskas A (2006). A comprehensive comparative analysis of the occurrence of developmental sequences in fungal, plant and animal genomes. Mycological research 110, 251-256.
  • Meskauskas, A. Gedminiene, G. Jaskeleviciene, B. Morkunas, M. Bumeliene, Z. Sereikaite, J. Bumelis, V.-A.(2005) Prediction of Pseudomonas putida growth during batch fermentation by controlling acid production rate. Biologia Bratislava, Vol 60, pg 259 - 266.
  • Meškauskas A. (2006). Using Web Agents for Data Mining of Fungal Genomes. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 6, 297-309.
  • Meškauskas A, Fricker M.D, Moore D (2004). Simulating colonial growth of fungi with the Neighbour-Sensing model of hyphal growth. Mycological research, 108, 1241-1256.
  • Meškauskas, A., McNulty, Moore, D. (2004). Concerted regulation of tropisms in all hyphal tips is sufficient to generate most fungal structures. Mycological research, 108, 341-353.
  • Meškauskas A., Lehmann-Horn F., Jurkat-Rott K (2004). Sight: automating genomic data-mining without programming skills. Bioinformatics, 20: 1718-1720.
  • Meškauskas A., Moore D., Novak Frazier L. (1999). Mathematical modelling of morphogenesis in fungi. 2. A key role for curvature compensation ('autotropism') in the local curvature distribution model. New Phytologist, 143, 387-399.
  • Meškauskas A., Jurkoniene S., Moore D. (1999). Spatial organization of the gravitropic response in plants: applicability of the revised local curvature distribution model to Triticum aestivum coleoptiles. New Phytologist 143, 401-407.
  • Meškauskas A., Moore D., Novak Frazier L. (1998). Mathematical modelling of morphogenesis in fungi. Spatial organization of the gravitropic response in the mushroom stem of Coprinus cinereus. New Phytologist 140, 111-123.