Talk:Multiplier effect

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I think I know roughly what the multiplier effect is, but I don't find this explanation clear. Is there a target audience who will, but don't already know what it is? Peter Jackson 08:48, 12 October 2012 (UTC)

To clarify, I mean the text in the article, not the definition above, which is clear as far as it goes. No doubt the article, if/when finished, will make clear the effect is temporary, and subject to a tolerance effect (or so I understand). Peter Jackson 08:54, 12 October 2012 (UTC)

I made a mess of tidying this up. I have amended the definition to make it more general. There is no article as yet, but there should be. I'll have a go sometime (unless somene else does), and then I will deal with short-term and long-term multipliers. Thanks. Nick Gardner 21:02, 12 October 2012 (UTC)
I have decided to develop this article along with those on spending multiplier and fiscal multiplier, and I am researching the best way of putting the subject over to laymen. Nick Gardner 15:29, 22 October 2012 (UTC)