Open Knowledge Conference/Program/Open Science

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Open Science
open science, open chemistry, open data, Panton Principles
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Peter Murray-Rust - Open Data in Science Cambridge University, Unilever Centre for Molecular Informatics -
- About:
- Meta: "Power corrupts; Powerpoint corrupts absolutely (Tufte)"
- Why Open Data is essential
- Software as an agent of revolution (liberation software
- Panton Principles
- IsItOpen
- Chem4Word
- Linked OpenData
- "linked data without openness is crippled"
- OpenBibliography
- Have put in a JISC bid to open bibliographic data
- Climate change example - lack of open data and open software
- "as we are going under [due to climate change], at least we didn't violate copyright!"
- copyright should not be used for political control
- PMR is blaming agents of control: academic research librarians, non-profit and for-profit publishers - "agents of control" for scientific information
- Chemistry - "most reactionary of the physical sciences"
- software is controlled by commercial interests
- American Chemical Society lobbied National Institutes of Health to shut down PubChem
- Chem4Word
- collaboration with Microsoft [Codeplex] -
- Linked data cloud
- datasets linked in the world from W3C
- biology datasets not formally open - can't reuse them without offending some restriction
- might just be they haven't said they can
- CrystalEye
- collects together crystallography data - 130,000+ structures
- Andrew Walkingshaw
- Greasemonkey plugin for Inorg Chem journal [presumably to link togetehr keywords in J articles to entries -Tom]
- "capture the latest crystallography from the web and to republish it on the web [with semantics]"
- Acta Crystallographica - partner
- open source software from Blue Obelisk to render 3D and 2D chem structures
- Panton Principles
- launched about a month or so ago
- how do we make this problem solveable?
- show scientists legal contracts and they turn off - want to get back to their labs
- named after pub in Cambridge
- [heh, I didn't know we had a CZ article on that. Need more pubs. -Tom]
- make explicit and robust statement of your wishes
- BMC journals endorse open data - chemistrycentral, j chemoinformatics
- link to it from your site
- IsItOpen?
- Inspired by whatdotheyknow
- ask questions of any data provider for their open provider
- Q+A
- [didn't hear the Q]
- changing community norms - you are expected to publish in science
- CRU e-mail hack - a lot of the data was closed due to agreements between research groups. Select Committee said all data should be open, but the research funding bodies make it closed! What leverage can we get on funding bodies to change this?
- funding bodies aren't the problem. funding bodies in UK say data should be open.
- condition of the grant that you publish your data.
- relatively few funding bodies are against openness.
- problem will disappear over the next few years.