Fractal/External Links
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- Please sort and annotate in a user-friendly manner and consider archiving the URLs behind the links you provide. See also related web sources.
Selected external links
- The Chaos Hypertextbook. An introductory primer on chaos and fractals.
- Fractals, in Layman's Terms
- Fractals, fractal dimension, chaos, plane filling curves at cut-the-knot
- Fractal properties
- Information on fractals from
- Fractal dimensions
- Fractal calculus
- Fractal Dimension
- Natural fractals in Grand Canyon
- One Dimensional Dynamical Systems. From UIUC a brief introduction
- Rotational Fractal — Creation of simple fractals using arraying technique
- Fractal Mountain - JAVA applet
Multiplatform generator programs
- Xaos — free fractal real-time browser for Windows, Mac, Linux; supporting zooming and animation in real time, featuring autopilot. GNU GPL licensed.
- FLAM3 — free advanced iterated function system designer and renderer for all platforms. Windows binaries available. GNU GPL licensed.
- Fract — A web-based fractal zoomer, sending calculated images as bitmaps to the browser. Rather slow.
- Online Fractal Generator — Java applet drawing Mandelbrot and Julia sets. Rather slow. Closed sourced.
- Online Fractal Explorer — A fast web-based mandelbrot explorer. Generated fractals can be saved, commented and rated in users gallery. Closed sourced.
Linux generator programs
- Gnofract4d — Interactive editor which can use many fractint formulas. Open source, BSD-licensed.
- IFSgr — free iterated function system grayscale renderer. GNU GPL-licensed. See also its image gallery.
- Review of fractal software packages which run under X11 on Linux
Windows generator programs
- Fractovia's listing of fractal generators is a fairly complete listing of free fractal generators.
- Ultra Fractal — software for Microsoft Windows. Free trial version available.
- Apophysis — A free flame and IFS fractal generator. Used for creating fractal artwork. GNU GPL licensed.
- ChaosPro — freeware for Microsoft Windows featuring real-time exploration, animation and more
- MSPlotter — a freeware Windows-based fractal generator, using fractals to create bitmap images and AVI video clips.
- Fractal Explorer — freeware Windows-based generator. Closed sourced, with source available for a fee.
- Yet Another Fractal Explorer — free Lyapunov fractal renderer with zooming feature. GNU GPL licensed.
- Chaoscope — freeware 3D strange attractor rendering software for Windows
- VisualBots — Freeware multi-agent simulator in Microsoft Excel. Samples include Mandelbrot Explorer and fractal tree projects.
- Fractint — freeware fractal generator for DOS and Windows, with a port to Linux available
- Ktaza — freeware for Microsoft Windows
- Fractal Forge — a free fractal generator. Capable of animations, but with low quality. GNU GPL licensed.
- Pythagorean - a free fractal generator, open code; a strategy switch.
- Drive Mandelbrot 3 - a free fractal generator with simple depth mapping.
Mac generator programs
- Altivec Fractal Carbon — Mac-based benchmarking utility, using fractals to determine performance.
- IFSLab — a freeware iterated function system fractal generator for Mac OS X.
MorphOS generator programs
- Zone Explorer with support for custom formulas