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- More Than One-Third of U.S. Adults Use Complementary and Alternative Medicine, According to New Government Survey Press Release, May 27 2004, available online
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use Among Adults: United States, 2002 (Report), May 27 2004,
- Burton, Bernard. "Chiropractic Management of Low Back Pain" Cleveland Clinic: Spinal Care 2000 Symposium. March 30, 2000.
- Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook
- Insurance Coverage for chiropractic
- chiropractic in Australia
See Also
- Bigos S et al. Acute Low Back Problems in Adults Clinical Practice Guideline No. 14.
- AHCPR Publication No 95-0642. Rockville, MD: Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. December 1994.
- Boline PD et al. (1995) Spinal manipulation vs amitriptyline for the treatment of chronic tension-type headaches: A randomized clinical trial. J Manip Physiol Ther 18:148-54.
- Dobson A, Freyer T, Levinson J. Integration of Chiropractic Services with Managed Care. Fairfax, VA : The Lewin Group, 1997.
- Eisenberg DM et al. (1993) Unconventional medicine in the United States: Prevalence, costs, and patterns of use. New Eng J Med 328:246-52.
- Haldeman 5, Chapman-Smith D, Petersen D (eds). Guidelines for Chiropractic Quality Assurance and Practice Parameters: Proceedings of the Mercy Center Consensus Conference. Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen Publishers, 1992.
- Hansen JP, Futch DB. Chiropractic services in a staff model HMO: Utilization and satisfaction. HMO Practice 11;39-42.
- Horwitz AD et al. (1995) Making the case for chiropractic referrals. Managed Care ,4:33-34.
- Lippman H (1996) Results of the Business & Health 1996 Executive Opinion Poll. Business & Health December ;45-57.
- Manga P et al.(1993) A Study to Examine the Effectiveness and Cost Effectiveness of Chiropractic Management of Low-Back Pain. Richmond Hills, Ontario: Kenilworth Publishing
- Maust, 'et al. The Chiropractic Patient in Rural, Health Professional Shortage Areas of the United States: An Exploratory Analysis. Richmond, VA Research Dimensions Incorporated, 1994.
- Meade T et al. (1995) Randomized comparison of chiropractic and hospital outpatient, management for low back pain: results from extended follow-up. British Medical Journal 3:349-51.
Mosley C et al. (1996) Cost-effectiveness of chiropractic care in a managed care setting. American Journal of Managed Care 2:280-82.
- Chirstensen MG, Morgan DRD (1993) Job analysis of chiropractic: a project report, survey analysis and summary of the practice of chiropractic within the United States. Greeley, CO: National Board of Chiropractic Examiners,
- Palsbo SE (1995) Chiropractic care in health maintenance organizations. J Amer Chiro Assoc 32:50-52
- Shekelle PG et al. (1992) Spinal manipulation for low-back pain. Ann Intern Med 117:590-8
- Stano M, Smith M (1996) Chiropractic and medical costs of low back care. Medical Care 34:191-204.
Clinical Trials
- Balon J et al. (1998) A Comparison of Active and Simulated Chiropractic Manipulation as Adjunctive Treatment for Childhood Asthma. New Eng J Med 339:1013-1020 ("In children with mild or moderate asthma, the addition of chiropractic spinal manipulation to usual medical care provided no benefit.")
- Guiney PA et al. (2005) Effects of osteopathic manipulative treatment on pediatric patients with asthma: A randomized controlled trial. J Amer Osteopathic Assoc 105:7-12. (Study “conducted a randomized controlled trial attempting to demonstrate the therapeutic relevance of OMT in the pediatric asthma population. With a confidence level of 95%, results for the OMT group showed a statistically significant improvement of 7 L per minute to 9 L per minute for peak expiratory flow rates. These results suggest that OMT has a therapeutic effect among this patient population.”)
- Bockenhauer SE et al.(2002) Quantifiable effects of osteopathic manipulative techniques on patients with chronic asthma JAOA 102:371-75 ("subjective evaluation of symptoms improved slightly after OM procedures compared with sham procedures, but the difference was not statistically significant")
- Vohra S et al. (2007). Adverse events associated with pediatric spinal manipulation: a systematic review. Pediatrics 119:e275-e283
("Serious adverse events may be associated with pediatric spinal manipulation; neither causation nor incidence rates can be inferred from observational data. Conduct of a prospective population-based active surveillance study is required to properly assess the possibility of rare, yet serious, adverse events as a result of spinal manipulation on pediatric patients.")
- Meeker WC, Haldeman S ( ) Chiropractic: a profession at the crossroads of mainstream and alternative medicine. Ann Intern Med 136:216-227 (includes historical data)
- Astin JA et al. (1998) A review of the incorporation of complementary and alternative medicine by mainstream physicians Arch Intern Med 158:2303-2310
(CAM (complementary/alternative medicine) study showing rate of acceptance amongst medical practitioners.)
- Smith M,Carber L (2002) Chiropractic health care in health professional shortage areas in the United States. Amer J Public Health 92:(This study is the flip side of the Astin et al. review, in that it reports on the extent to which chiropractors refer to medical practitioners.)
Further Reading
Leach, Robert (2004). The chiropractic theories: a textbook of scientific research. Hagerstwon, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ISBN 0-683-30747-9.