Realism (international relations)/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Realism (international relations).
See also changes related to Realism (international relations), or pages that link to Realism (international relations) or to this page or whose text contains "Realism (international relations)".

Parent topics

  • Diplomacy (foreign policy) [r]: The process of negotiations, among nations, usually by accredited representatives of a government. While the details of the negotiations may not be public information, the fact of the diplomatic negotiations is official and acknowledged [e]
  • Containment policy [r]: A U.S. foreign policy doctrine of the Cold War, begun in 1947, focusing on keeping Communist nations "contained" from further expansion, rather than direct confrontation [e]
  • Detente [r]: A transition of the view of U.S. foreign policy from the Cold War model to one based on "realism", and a balance of power among the U.S., U.S.S.R., and China; most associated with Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger [e]


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