Prisoner's dilemma/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Prisoner's dilemma.
See also changes related to Prisoner's dilemma, or pages that link to Prisoner's dilemma or to this page or whose text contains "Prisoner's dilemma".

Parent topics

  • Game theory [r]: A field of mathematics commonly associated with economics that provides models for behavior in many diverse situations, and is used in many academic fields from politics to computer science. [e]


Other related topics

  • Nash equilibrium [r]: A situation in game theory in which no player can improve his position, given the responses of the other players. [e]
  • Pareto efficiency [r]: A Pareto-efficient situation is defined as one from which no change could benefit anyone without harming someone else, and the Pareto criterion for the assessment of a change requires that someone must gain from it and no-one most lose. [e]