Portal vein thrombosis

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In medicine, portal vein thrombosis is a thrombus in the portal vein.[1]


Portal vein thrombosis can lead to portal hypertension and mesenteric ischemia. Mesenteric ischemia may occur when the thrombus extends into the mesenteric venules.[2]


  1. Parikh S, Shah R, Kapoor P (2010). "Portal vein thrombosis.". Am J Med 123 (2): 111-9. DOI:10.1016/j.amjmed.2009.05.023. PMID 20103016. Research Blogging.
  2. Condat B, Pessione F, Hillaire S, Denninger MH, Guillin MC, Poliquin M et al. (2001). "Current outcome of portal vein thrombosis in adults: risk and benefit of anticoagulant therapy.". Gastroenterology 120 (2): 490-7. PMID 11159889.