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IDL is short for Interface Definition Language, a term that refers to various domain-specific programming languages built to facilitate communication between different software components by translating between their different interfaces. IDLs are commonly used in remote procedure call software, where the machines at either end of the network link may be using different operating systems and computer languages. Software systems that use (different) IDLs include Sun's ONC RPC, The Open Group's Distributed Computing Environment, IBM's System Object Model, the Object Management Group's CORBA, Facebook's Thrift, and Microsoft COM and DCOM.

IDL is also used with microkernels, to communicate between operating system parts that run is separate address spaces and cannot easily pass function parameters in a conventional way.

IDL may also refer to a programming language popular in the astronomy and remote sensing communities.

IDL is the scripting language behind the ENVI image analysis tool.

See also
