Fritz Sauckel/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Fritz Sauckel.
See also changes related to Fritz Sauckel, or pages that link to Fritz Sauckel or to this page or whose text contains "Fritz Sauckel".

Parent topics


Other related topics

  • Albert Speer [r]: (1905-1981) Architect, and Nazi Minister of Armament and Munitions 1942-1945; close personal relationship with Adolf Hitler but opposed his scorched-earth policies and plotted assassination; sentenced to 20 years by the Nuremberg Trials where he was eloquent in accepting responsibility, probably saving his life [e]
  • International Military Tribunal (Nuremberg) [r]: Conducted by the four major Allied powers in Europe, this proceeding tried the designated Major War Criminals of Nazi Germany, as well as determining whether certain Nazi organizations were to be considered as criminal conspiracies to which membership was a crime [e]