Drug treatments for obesity

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This editable, developed Main Article is subject to a disclaimer.

A brief overview of your interest group (be sure to put its name in bold in the first sentence) and the scope of the article goes here.[1]

The following list of sections should serve as a loose guideline for developing the body of your article. The works cited in references 2-5 are all fake; their purpose is to serve as a formatting model for your own citations.



In here you could write about various informations linked to various references for example from journals. [2] [3]

Limited Efficacy

You can also insert diagram.

Serotonin & Noradrenaline Related Drugs

By Bruce McLintock [4]


By Neil R. J. Watson [5]

Peripheral Drugs

By Rachael Kirkbride

Everything Else



By Mark Cairns


We are the best. YALDI!


  1. See the "Writing an Encyclopedia Article" handout for more details.
  2. First Author and Second Author, "The perfect reference for Subpart 1," Fake Journal of Neuroendocrinology 36:2 (2015) pp. 36-52.
  3. First Author and Second Author, "Another perfect reference for Subpart 1," Fake Journal of Neuroendocrinology 25:2 (2009) pp. 62-99.
  4. "Part 2," Appetite and obesity. 2006. Retrieved July 21, 2009 from http://www.appetiteandobesity.org/part2.html
  5. Authors names, "The perfect review for part 3," Publishers City (2009)