CZ Talk:Biology Workgroup/Biology Week/Academic recruitment

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List of library contacts that HAVE NOT YET BEEN CONTACTED in any way

  1. Advocates' Library, Edinburgh, Scotland
If you have a news story, comment or a general enquiry on events at the Faculty you can contact:
Bruce McKain
Direct line: 0131 260 5615
  1. The Alachua County Library District, Gainesville, Florida

Hi Marielle, good work so far, but that's just Cornell. It's impossible to cover every biology department in the U.S. For these purposes, I think just hitting 10-20 of the top departments, as well as selected departments associated with our editors, would be just fine. --Larry Sanger 21:27, 11 June 2008 (CDT)

Big Question

I've been working on getting together a list of email addresses from prominent biology departments, and I will be putting them up shortly. I have one big question, though: what are we going to send to these biology departments to announce the beginning of Biology Week?

The letter I've been sending out to bloggers is written fairly informally. The Endorsement Letter is good, but it's written with the express purpose of getting academics to give us a blurb we can use. The press release is also good, but it's written to inform folks with a general background about Citizendium. I think we need to hack out something-- quickly-- that spells out broadly who we are, but also why serious biologists should think about joining up. I think the Primer has most of these qualities, but is too long at present. I will try to get something together today that we can use as an announcement letter to academic departments. Thanks, Brian P. Long 09:43, 19 September 2008 (CDT)