Talk:Republicanism in Canada

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 Definition The movement amongst Canadian citizens who desire to sever ties with the British monarchy. [d] [e]
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 Workgroup category Politics [Editors asked to check categories]
 Talk Archive none  English language variant British English

"Separate nation"

Is it accurate to equate "republicanism" with the "wish to have Canada become a separate nation"? Hasn't Canada been a "separate nation" from the UK since 1931 -- or at least since 1982, when the constitution was repatriated? Canada shares a Head of State with the UK, but in Canada her (nominal) authority comes from being Queen of Canada. But So I'd like to know exactly what this poll asked people and what 70 percent of them assented to -- being a "separate nation" from the UK, which one could argue is the status quo, or abolishing the Canadian monarchy, which has not happened yet, and which seems to me to be different from being a "separate nation." But I will leave any changing of the article to somebody who's familiar with the intricacies of Canadian constitutional law (while I go work on something easier, like rocket science or improving the college-football-ranking algorithm). Bruce M.Tindall 00:53, 25 February 2009 (UTC)