File talk:Ronaldo scores.jpg

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This is a cool picture, but...and I'm sorry to say this...doesn't it look like Ronaldo has two torsos and two heads? Well, I was reacting to the title "Ronaldo scores." Maybe it's OK if it's labelled to make it clear that there are two people there, each with his own separate body.  ;-) --Larry Sanger 10:33, 6 March 2008 (CST)

To the quick-glancing, untrained eye, sure it does. But I have no problems identifying two people there. --Robert W King 10:37, 6 March 2008 (CST)

That could be explained in the caption. No need to rename the picture to something like "Person A in the foreground and person B in the background with some other people standing around them and the spectators cheering.jpg" --Christian Liem 10:40, 6 March 2008 (CST)